An Apteryx abstraction for the Linux kernel networking stack
apteryx apteryx-xml glib-2.0 libnl-3.0 libnl-route-3.0
make install
$ ./apteryx-kermond -h
Usage: ./apteryx-kermond [-h] [-b] [-v] [-d] [-p <pidfile>]
-h show this help
-b background mode
-d enable debug
-v enable verbose debug
-m comma separated list of modules to load (e.g. ifconfig,ifstatus)
-p use <pidfile> (defaults to /var/run/
Modules: ifstatus ifconfig rib fib neighbor-settings static-neighbor neighbor-cache icmp tcp dot1q
# Start daemon to manage interface configuration
apteryxd -b
apteryx-kermond -b -mifconfig,ifstatus
# Set admin-down
apteryx -s /interface/interfaces/eth1/settings/admin-status 0
# Set admin-up
apteryx -s /interface/interfaces/eth1/settings/admin-status 1
# Check oper-state
apteryx -g /interface/interfaces/eth1/status/oper-status
make test
google-chrome gcov/index.html