Contains reproducible code for Hand Gesture recognizer.
- Tensorflow-gpu=1.14 => conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu=1.14
- Keras=2.2.4 => conda install -c conda-forge keras=2.2.4
- Open cv => conda install opencv-python
- Python=3.6
*Code Directory contains the file as follows:
- : Contains the code to train the model on the processed data.
- : Using open cv, and numpy capture the frames of the webcam and generate the dataset.
- : Helps in processing the images to specified shape, and stores them as numpy array in pickle file.
- : Can be used for realtime prediction as well as inference on static images of specified format.
*Results Directory contains the accuracy and loss plots of the trained model, achieving over 99% accuracy on both train and test sets.
*Pretrained model file as well as pickle files are uploaded now!