Public Repository for the research "Harmonizing DevOps Taxonomies: Theory Operationalization and Testing"
Objective: In this work, we expand the theory-building in the context of DevOps Team Taxonomies. Our main contributions are presenting and executing the Operationalization and Testing phases for a continuously evolving theory on DevOps team structures.
Method: To do this, we operationalize the constructs and propositions that make up our theory to generate empirically testable hypotheses to confirm or disconfirm the theory. Specifically, we focus on the research operation side of the theory-research cycle: identifying propositions, deriving empirical indicators from constructs, establishing testable hypotheses, and testing these hypotheses.
We adopted a multimethod or mixed approach in which two different research groups participated. The outcomes of theory-building research are enriched by building theory from multiple research perspectives, and methods. The methodological framework depicted in Figure illustrates the stages of this broader research.
Please contact isaque.alves(AT) in case of questions.
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