Some important concepts and algorithms in RL, all summarized in one place. PDF file is also available here.
- Bandits: settings, exploration-exploitation, UCB, Thompson Sampling
- RL Framework: Markov Decision Process, Markov Property, Bellman Equations
- Dynamic Programming: Policy Evaluation, Policy Iteration, Value Iteration
- Value-Based
- Tabular environments: Tabular Q-learning, SARSA, TD-learning, eligibility traces
- Approximate Q-learning: DQN, prioritized experience replay, Double DQN, Rainbow, DRQN
- Policy Gradients
- On-Policy: REINFORCE, Actor-Critic (with compatible functions, GAE), A2C/A3C, TRPO, PPO
- Off-Policy: Policy gradient theorem, ACER, importance sampling
- Continuous Action Spaces: DDPG, Q-Prop
- Reinforcement Learning and advanced Deep Learning (RLD), Sorbonne University course, by Sylvain Lamprier
- Spinning Up in Deep RL, Open AI
- UCL Course on RL, David Silver's Lecture
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