Modifications to PyAPNs to make it friendly with Tornado. This version of the lib uses non-blocking sockets and tornado.IOStream. (APNs)
Download the source from GitHub:
$ python2.7 install # may have to do sudo that!
from apns import APNs, Payload
apns = APNs(use_sandbox=True, cert_file='cert.pem', key_file='key.pem')
# Send a notification
token_hex = 'b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b87'
payload = Payload(alert="Hello World!", sound="default", badge=1)
yield gen.Task(apns.gateway_server.send_notification, token_hex, payload)
# Get feedback messages
for (token_hex, fail_time) in apns.feedback_server.items():
# do stuff with token_hex and fail_time
For more complicated alerts including custom buttons etc, use the PayloadAlert class. Example:
alert = PayloadAlert("Hello world!", action_loc_key="Click me")
payload = Payload(alert=alert, sound="default")
To send custom payload arguments, pass a dictionary to the custom kwarg of the Payload constructor.
payload = Payload(alert="Hello World!", custom={'sekrit_number':123})
iOS Reference Library: Local and Push Notification Programming Guide
Written and maintained by Simon Whitaker at Goo Software Ltd.