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A production deployment of this API can be found at Heroku and all the endpoint's documentation can be tested here. Feel free to explore the endpoints using the Postman Collection included in this repo's root.

hapi REST API boilerplate

This API has been created using amda's basic boilerplate, which includes:

  • Project structure developed on the hapi environment.
  • Queryable /health route.
  • Basic validation via Joi.
  • Unit testing suite via Lab.
  • Routes documentation via hapi-swagger at the endpoint /documentation. Access to the documentation will require basic auth if SWAGGER_USER and SWAGGER_PASSWORD are provided as environment variables.
  • Styling and linting according to eslint:recommended and @hapi/recommended.
  • Git hooks via husky including:
    • pre-commit lint, prettier and create TODOs report.
    • pre-push runs all tests.

Folder structure

  • api/ Contains the elements required for the server construction, like manifest, routing and environment setters.
    • plugins/ hapi-ready custom made plugins ready to be included in the manifest.
    • routes/ Endopoint routes written in a hapi plugin fashion. They are meant to be automatically loaded by the router method, producing endopints that will reproduce this folder's hierarchy.
    • validators/ Joi validators meant to be reused across the app. They are meant to be detected and loaded into by the validator-loader plugin.
  • config/ Holds the .env files that will be meant to feed the env method on server startup. This folder is gitignored.
  • app/ Contains constructor classes designed to extract data and methods from the database models in order to create new server.methods that will be assigned to each endpoint handler to implement the required action. These files are meant to be processed by the app-wrapper plugin. This folder is expected to mimic the hierarchy of api/routes.
  • db/ Contains any method designed to interact with Mongoose or the MongoDB.
    • models/ Contains Mongoose models ready to be directly injected the serverby the model-loader plugin for them to be extracted via the method server.methods.model.mongo('Name of the model').
  • test/ Unit tests ready to be used by the lab hapi module. This folder's structure is expected to mimic api/routes.
  • utils/ Meant to hold helper methods and other general resources that for some reason, aren't meant to be loaded as plugins or to be considered per se as part of the api.

Server start up

With this structure, the flux of processes when starting up the server, as defined by manifest, is as follows:


  1. Create general helper methods through the helpers plugin.
  2. Load all the Joi validation schemas into with the custom plugin validator-loader. This needs to be done before loading the database models because some of the validation schemas are used as part of the definition of the Mongoose schemas.
  3. Connect to a database though a specific plugin and load the models contained in its /models folder for them to be accessed through the server.methods.model methods.
    1. MongoDB connects via hapi-mongoose and saves the Mongoose instance in the server object (server.plugins["hapi-mongoose"].lib).
  4. The boomer custom plugin takes care of several error-related functionalities:
    1. Create the toolkit decorator h.throw. This decorator simplifies the catching and returning of errors, as we will see in the next steps. It also wrapps the following functionalities.
    2. Logs the complete error in console for further inspection.
    3. Creates server.methods.translateError, a method that gets the request and the error produced while processing it and returns a processed and translated error message, ready to be shown at the frontend.
    4. Analyzes the error to determine its procedence and uses Boom to convert it into a HTTP error.
  5. The app-wrapper custom plugin takes care of the integration of the functional logic that will connect each endpoint's request with the database models. It has several functions:
    1. Recursively scan the app/ folder and extract all the methods defined by the constructors saved in it.
    2. Wrapp each found method in an asyncronous try/catch block that ensures automatic error catching and throwing (using the h.throw decorator previously created) without needing to include this kind of logic in every single method written for app/.
    3. Each newly wrapped method will be renamed for further server access following this logic: server.methods[${parentClass}][${originalMethodName}${subClass}]. This means that:
      • The method find contained in the class User (stored as app/user/root.js) will be stored and called as server.methods.User.find.
      • The method find contained in the class Me (stored as app/user/me.js), chich is a 'child' of the User class (in the sense that it inherits part of its methodology) will be stored and called as server.methods.User.findMe.
      • The methods starting with _ will be considered as private and designed for internal use, so they won't be exposed to be implemented as handles.
  6. Define a default authentication bearer strategy that will be applied to most of the public API routes. The plugin auth-token needs to be loaded after app-wrapper because it uses one of the methods created by it to validate the authentication.
  7. Configure a handful of security plugins such as:
    1. hapi-rate-limitor: Prevents brute-forcing by blocking the server if a threashold of requests is reached in a period of time. This plugin allows extra protection for specific routes, and we use it with more restrictive conditions in POST /auth.
    2. @hapi/crumb: Produces anti-CSRF tokens for all the REST routes that aren't GET. Ignored for the documentation test routes.
    3. blankie: Restrict security headers.
    4. disinfect: Escapes payload, query and params to prevent any pollution from reaching the database.
  8. IF logs are requested or we are not in a testing environment hapi-pino and other necessary plugins will be loaded. BEWARE: this step is NOT related with the storing of logs in an external MongoDB. As mentioned before, a specific NPM script needs to be loaded in order to save the logs.
  9. IF we are not in testing or production environments the plugin hapi-swagger will create a /documentation endpoint that will contain all the information stored in each route's hapi-swagger options. Two custom helper plugins complement this functionality:
    1. swagger-responses creates and stores in server some frequently used response structures. Also creates server.methods.errorSchema, that wrapps a custom Boom error as a Joi schema and offers it as response example.
    2. swagger-auth creates a basic username/password authentication strategy that, if SWAGGER_USER and SWAGGER_PASSWORD environment variables exist, will be required to access the Swagger-powered documentation.
    3. The bearer token authentication is also requested and offered via the securityDefinitions option for hapi-swagger (no extra custom plugin is required for this).
  10. IF we are in a testing environment the db-fixtures custom plugin will take care of the data and methods used during the tests:
    1. Create the mock data and the server.methods.getAsset method to access it from the very same server, without need to require anything during the tests.
    2. The server.methods.setupDatabase that clears all the testing collections and fills them with the mocked data. This method is meant to be used beforeEach new test.
    3. Other useful methods that might be needed during testing, like an asyncronous timeout that allows waiting before testing some endpoints.
  11. Load all the API's endpoints contained in api/routes, reproducing the folder and sub-folder structure in the routing. Each of these route packages is meant to be saved as a custom hapi plugin for the @router method to extract and include them in the manifest. This @router method might become a standalone npm package in the future.


  • The manifest contains several security settings, defined under the routes and load fields. They control CORS, output escaping, maximum payload size and heap usage.
  • To ensure that validation errors produced by the endpoint's JOI validators are processed and translated using the translateError method, just like the response errors processed by the boomer plugin. The reason for this is that validation errors don't even make it to the route's handler, so they don't reach the h.throw decorator. They need to be processed before, at the failAction point.
  • The app field takes the internal app information contained in @settings and incorporates it into for easier use accross the app.

Request lifecycle

Once the server is up and running, a request to any of its endpoints will go through the following steps.

  1. Authentication (unless auth is declared as false in the route definition). The default authentication strategy is the bearer token strategy which is implemented by the authenticate method of the Auth app class. This method extracts the token from the request headers and uses the Auth model static method authenticate to check its vericity.
  2. Validation. Each route will validate headers, params, query and/or payload against a Joi validation schema. If this validation fails, a failAction will be thrown before the request reaches the handler. This failAction is processed and boomfied via a server option defined at manifest.
  3. Handler. If the request reaches the route's handler, it will be pipped into one of the server methods created by the app-wrapper plugin. The wrapping will take care of the error catching, processing and translation (if needed) and the original method (as defined in the contructor classes contained in app/) will handle the product logic, the connections to the required database collections and the use of the models' statics and methods.

Testing features

All tests are meant to be saved in the test/ folder. The lab module will scan that folder recursively an run the tests contained in each *.test.js file. The lab settings are stored in .labrc.js. This file exports the testing settings depending on the WATCH environment variable, that can be injected before running up the tests.

With this, we consider several possible ways to run the tests:

  • npm run test Complete test swap. This is the script that husky invoques before pushing any commits. WATCH will be falsy in this case, meaning that the coverage threshold will be set to 90% and the report will be detailed. This script will also save coverage reports in the /coverage folder. The resulting file can be fed to the Coverage Gutters VSCode extension to get visual aid to spot lines of code missed by the tests.
  • npm run watch:test A custom solution to run tests in a watch mode using nodemon. In this case the WATCH variable will be injected as true, resulting in a silent run that won't consider coverage. This watch mode is useful to make sure that tests remain stable as we change things in the app or the tests.
  • VSCode Debugger: Two VSC debugging routines ('All tests' and 'Current test file') have been defined in launch.json in order to debug tests. Using the .only method is recommended when a single test wants to be debugged.



Settings ready to connect with a MongoDB database via Mongoose.

  • Mongoose is pipped directly into the server via hapi-mongoose. Beware: MongoDB connection parameters must be provided via environment variables. The possible combinations to make it work are:
    • MONGO_URL: Single uri containing all the connections settings.
    • MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT and MONGO_NAME: Provide the parameters to produce the uri and the name of the database (Mongo instance) that will be connected. Suitable for dev and local environments.
    • MONGO_USER, MONGO_PASSWORD and MONGO_CLUSTER: Provide an external cluster and its credentials.
  • All the models contained in the db/models folder are loaded on server startup. Suitable for prod environments.


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