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Support a user defined name for the schema_migrations table
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Added runMigration' and runMigrations'. These two function support an
extra parameter over the non-prime ones. This param is the name of the
scschema_migrations table that the user has selected.

Adding two new functions like this means there are no breaking changes
for existing users.
  • Loading branch information
andrevdm committed Oct 12, 2019
1 parent 1229914 commit 9a440d4
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Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 56 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion postgresql-simple-migration.cabal
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: postgresql-simple-migration
synopsis: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations
Expand Down
111 changes: 76 additions & 35 deletions src/Database/PostgreSQL/Simple/Migration.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration
-- * Migration actions
, runMigration
, runMigrations
, runMigrations'
, sequenceMigrations

-- * Migration types
, MigrationContext(..)
, MigrationContext'(..)
, MigrationCommand(..)
, MigrationResult(..)
, ScriptName
Expand All @@ -45,6 +48,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5 (hash)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, readFile)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 (encode)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sort)
Expand All @@ -71,19 +75,23 @@ import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
-- It is recommended to wrap 'runMigration' inside a database transaction.
runMigration :: MigrationContext -> IO (MigrationResult String)
runMigration (MigrationContext cmd verbose con) = case cmd of
runMigration (MigrationContext cmd verbose con) =
runMigration' (MigrationContext' cmd verbose con "schema_migrations")

runMigration' :: MigrationContext' -> IO (MigrationResult String)
runMigration' (MigrationContext' cmd verbose con tableName) = case cmd of
MigrationInitialization ->
initializeSchema con verbose >> return MigrationSuccess
initializeSchema con tableName verbose >> return MigrationSuccess
MigrationDirectory path ->
executeDirectoryMigration con verbose path
executeDirectoryMigration con tableName verbose path
MigrationScript name contents ->
executeMigration con verbose name contents
executeMigration con tableName verbose name contents
MigrationFile name path ->
executeMigration con verbose name =<< BS.readFile path
executeMigration con tableName verbose name =<< BS.readFile path
MigrationValidation validationCmd ->
executeValidation con verbose validationCmd
executeValidation con tableName verbose validationCmd
MigrationCommands commands ->
runMigrations verbose con commands
runMigrations' verbose con commands tableName

-- | Execute a sequence of migrations
Expand All @@ -100,8 +108,27 @@ runMigrations
-> [MigrationCommand]
-- ^ The commands to run
-> IO (MigrationResult String)
runMigrations verbose con commands =
sequenceMigrations [runMigration (MigrationContext c verbose con) | c <- commands]
runMigrations verbose con commands = runMigrations' verbose con commands "schema_migrations"

-- | Execute a sequence of migrations
-- Returns 'MigrationSuccess' if all of the provided 'MigrationCommand's
-- execute without error. If an error occurs, execution is stopped and the
-- 'MigrationError' is returned.
-- It is recommended to wrap 'runMigrations' inside a database transaction.
:: Bool
-- ^ Run in verbose mode
-> Connection
-- ^ The postgres connection to use
-> [MigrationCommand]
-- ^ The commands to run
-> BS.ByteString
-- ^ The schema_migrations table name
-> IO (MigrationResult String)
runMigrations' verbose con commands tableName =
sequenceMigrations [runMigration' (MigrationContext' c verbose con tableName) | c <- commands]

-- | Run a sequence of contexts, stopping on the first failure
sequenceMigrations :: Monad m => [m (MigrationResult e)] -> m (MigrationResult e)
Expand All @@ -115,12 +142,12 @@ sequenceMigrations = \case

-- | Executes all SQL-file based migrations located in the provided 'dir'
-- in alphabetical order.
executeDirectoryMigration :: Connection -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeDirectoryMigration con verbose dir =
executeDirectoryMigration :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeDirectoryMigration con tableName verbose dir =
scriptsInDirectory dir >>= go
go fs = sequenceMigrations (executeMigrationFile <$> fs)
executeMigrationFile f = executeMigration con verbose f =<< BS.readFile (dir ++ "/" ++ f)
executeMigrationFile f = executeMigration con tableName verbose f =<< BS.readFile (dir ++ "/" ++ f)

-- | Lists all files in the given 'FilePath' 'dir' in alphabetical order.
scriptsInDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
Expand All @@ -130,10 +157,10 @@ scriptsInDirectory dir =

-- | Executes a generic SQL migration for the provided script 'name' with
-- content 'contents'.
executeMigration :: Connection -> Bool -> ScriptName -> BS.ByteString -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeMigration con verbose name contents = do
executeMigration :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> Bool -> ScriptName -> BS.ByteString -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeMigration con tableName verbose name contents = do
let checksum = md5Hash contents
checkScript con name checksum >>= \case
checkScript con tableName name checksum >>= \case
ScriptOk -> do
when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Ok:\t" ++ name
return MigrationSuccess
Expand All @@ -146,15 +173,15 @@ executeMigration con verbose name contents = do
when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Fail:\t" ++ name
return (MigrationError name)
q = "insert into schema_migrations(filename, checksum) values(?, ?)"
q = "insert into " <> Query tableName <> "(filename, checksum) values(?, ?)"

-- | Initializes the database schema with a helper table containing
-- meta-information about executed migrations.
initializeSchema :: Connection -> Bool -> IO ()
initializeSchema con verbose = do
initializeSchema :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> Bool -> IO ()
initializeSchema con tableName verbose = do
when verbose $ putStrLn "Initializing schema"
void $ execute_ con $ mconcat
[ "create table if not exists schema_migrations "
[ "create table if not exists " <> Query tableName <> " "
, "( filename varchar(512) not null"
, ", checksum varchar(32) not null"
, ", executed_at timestamp without time zone not null default now() "
Expand All @@ -172,12 +199,14 @@ initializeSchema con verbose = do
-- * 'MigrationFile': validate the presence and checksum of the given file.
-- * 'MigrationValidation': always succeeds.
-- * 'MigrationCommands': validates all the sub-commands stopping at the first failure.
executeValidation :: Connection -> Bool -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeValidation con verbose cmd = case cmd of
executeValidation :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> Bool -> MigrationCommand -> IO (MigrationResult String)
executeValidation con tableName' verbose cmd =
let tableName = BS8.unpack tableName' in
case cmd of
MigrationInitialization ->
existsTable con "schema_migrations" >>= \r -> return $ if r
existsTable con tableName >>= \r -> return $ if r
then MigrationSuccess
else MigrationError "No such table: schema_migrations"
else MigrationError $ "No such table: " <> tableName
MigrationDirectory path ->
scriptsInDirectory path >>= goScripts path
MigrationScript name contents ->
Expand All @@ -187,10 +216,10 @@ executeValidation con verbose cmd = case cmd of
MigrationValidation _ ->
return MigrationSuccess
MigrationCommands cs ->
sequenceMigrations (executeValidation con verbose <$> cs)
sequenceMigrations (executeValidation con tableName' verbose <$> cs)
validate name contents =
checkScript con name (md5Hash contents) >>= \case
checkScript con tableName' name (md5Hash contents) >>= \case
ScriptOk -> do
when verbose $ putStrLn $ "Ok:\t" ++ name
return MigrationSuccess
Expand All @@ -209,8 +238,8 @@ executeValidation con verbose cmd = case cmd of
-- is compared against the one that was executed.
-- If there is no matching script entry in the database, the script
-- will be executed and its meta-information will be recorded.
checkScript :: Connection -> ScriptName -> Checksum -> IO CheckScriptResult
checkScript con name checksum =
checkScript :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> ScriptName -> Checksum -> IO CheckScriptResult
checkScript con tableName name checksum =
query con q (Only name) >>= \case
[] ->
return ScriptNotExecuted
Expand All @@ -220,7 +249,7 @@ checkScript con name checksum =
return (ScriptModified actualChecksum)
q = mconcat
[ "select checksum from schema_migrations "
[ "select checksum from " <> Query tableName <> " "
, "where filename = ? limit 1"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,20 +318,32 @@ data MigrationResult a

-- | The 'MigrationContext' provides an execution context for migrations.
data MigrationContext = MigrationContext
{ migrationContextCommand :: MigrationCommand
{ migrationContextCommand :: !MigrationCommand
-- ^ The action that will be performed by 'runMigration'
, migrationContextVerbose :: !Bool
-- ^ Verbosity of the library.
, migrationContextConnection :: !Connection
-- ^ The PostgreSQL connection to use for migrations.

-- | The 'MigrationContext'' provides an execution context for migrations, with additional options to MigrationContext
data MigrationContext' = MigrationContext'
{ migrationContextCommand' :: !MigrationCommand
-- ^ The action that will be performed by 'runMigration'
, migrationContextVerbose :: Bool
, migrationContextVerbose' :: !Bool
-- ^ Verbosity of the library.
, migrationContextConnection :: Connection
, migrationContextConnection' :: !Connection
-- ^ The PostgreSQL connection to use for migrations.
, migrationTableName :: !BS.ByteString
-- ^ The name of the table that stores the migrations

-- | Produces a list of all executed 'SchemaMigration's.
getMigrations :: Connection -> IO [SchemaMigration]
getMigrations = flip query_ q
getMigrations :: Connection -> BS.ByteString -> IO [SchemaMigration]
getMigrations con tableName = query_ con q
where q = mconcat
[ "select filename, checksum, executed_at "
, "from schema_migrations order by executed_at asc"
, "from " <> Query tableName <> " order by executed_at asc"

-- | A product type representing a single, executed 'SchemaMigration'.
Expand Down
53 changes: 33 additions & 20 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,14 +21,15 @@ module Main (
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (pack)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (SqlError (..),
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Migration (MigrationCommand (..),
MigrationContext (..),
MigrationContext' (..),
MigrationResult (..),
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,26 +70,29 @@ run :: Maybe Command -> Bool-> IO ()
run Nothing _ = printUsage >> exitFailure
run (Just cmd) verbose =
handleResult =<< case cmd of
Initialize url -> do
Initialize url tableName -> do
con <- connectPostgreSQL (BS8.pack url)
withTransaction con $ runMigration $ MigrationContext
MigrationInitialization verbose con
Migrate url dir -> do
withTransaction con $ runMigration' $ MigrationContext'
MigrationInitialization verbose con tableName
Migrate url dir tableName -> do
con <- connectPostgreSQL (BS8.pack url)
withTransaction con $ runMigration $ MigrationContext
(MigrationDirectory dir) verbose con
Validate url dir -> do
withTransaction con $ runMigration' $ MigrationContext'
(MigrationDirectory dir) verbose con tableName
Validate url dir tableName -> do
con <- connectPostgreSQL (BS8.pack url)
withTransaction con $ runMigration $ MigrationContext
(MigrationValidation (MigrationDirectory dir)) verbose con
withTransaction con $ runMigration' $ MigrationContext'
(MigrationValidation (MigrationDirectory dir)) verbose con tableName
handleResult MigrationSuccess = exitSuccess
handleResult (MigrationError _) = exitFailure

parseCommand :: [String] -> Maybe Command
parseCommand ("init":url:_) = Just (Initialize url)
parseCommand ("migrate":url:dir:_) = Just (Migrate url dir)
parseCommand ("validate":url:dir:_) = Just (Validate url dir)
parseCommand ("init":url:tableName:_) = Just (Initialize url (BS8.pack tableName))
parseCommand ("migrate":url:dir:tableName:_) = Just (Migrate url dir (BS8.pack tableName))
parseCommand ("validate":url:dir:tableName:_) = Just (Validate url dir (BS8.pack tableName))
parseCommand ("init":url:_) = Just (Initialize url "schema_migrations")
parseCommand ("migrate":url:dir:_) = Just (Migrate url dir "schema_migrations")
parseCommand ("validate":url:dir:_) = Just (Validate url dir "schema_migrations")
parseCommand _ = Nothing

printUsage :: IO ()
Expand All @@ -98,25 +102,34 @@ printUsage = do
putStrLn " -h Print help text"
putStrLn " -q Enable quiet mode"
putStrLn " Commands:"
putStrLn " init <con>"
putStrLn " init <con> {migrations table name}"
putStrLn " Initialize the database. Required to be run"
putStrLn " at least once."
putStrLn " migrate <con> <directory>"
putStrLn " {migrations table name} is the optiona name."
putStrLn " for the migrations table. This defaults to"
putStrLn " `schema_migrations`."
putStrLn " migrate <con> <directory> {migrations table name}"
putStrLn " Execute all SQL scripts in the provided"
putStrLn " directory in alphabetical order."
putStrLn " Scripts that have already been executed are"
putStrLn " ignored. If a script was changed since the"
putStrLn " time of its last execution, an error is"
putStrLn " raised."
putStrLn " validate <con> <directory>"
putStrLn " {migrations table name} is the optiona name."
putStrLn " for the migrations table. This defaults to"
putStrLn " `schema_migrations`."
putStrLn " validate <con> <directory> {migrations table name}"
putStrLn " Validate all SQL scripts in the provided"
putStrLn " directory."
putStrLn " {migrations table name} is the optiona name."
putStrLn " for the migrations table. This defaults to"
putStrLn " `schema_migrations`."
putStrLn " The <con> parameter is based on libpq connection string"
putStrLn " syntax. Detailled information is available here:"
putStrLn " <>"

data Command
= Initialize String
| Migrate String FilePath
| Validate String FilePath
= Initialize String BS.ByteString
| Migrate String FilePath BS.ByteString
| Validate String FilePath BS.ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord)

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