A customizable sequencejs plugin for Yii2 based on Sequencejs.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require "amilna/yii2-sequence-widget" "*"
or add
"amilna/yii2-sequence-widget" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
Since this extensions stil in dev stages, be sure also add following line in composer.json
In view:
use amilna\sequencejs\SequenceJs;
echo SequenceJs::widget([
'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, // active data provider
'targetId'=>'sequence', //id of rendered sequencejs (the container will constructed by the widget with the given id)
'imageKey'=>'front_image', //model attribute to be used as image
'backgroundKey'=>'image', //model attribute to be used as background
'theme' => 'parallax', //available themes: default, parallax, modern
'css' => 'test.css', // url of css to overide default css relative from @web
// example to overide default themes
'itemView'=>function ($model, $key, $widget) {
$type = ['aeroplane','balloon','kite'];
$html = '<li>
<div class="info">
<img class="sky" src="'.$model->image.'" alt="Blue Sky" />
<img class="'.$type[$key%3].'" src="'.$model->front_image.'" alt="Aeroplane" />
return $html;
// example to overide default options more options on http://sequencejs.com
'autoPlay'=> true,
'autoPlayDelay'=> 3000,
'nextButton'=> true,
'prevButton'=> true,
'preloader'=> true,
'navigationSkip'=> false
// example to use widget without active data provider (the target selector should already rendered)
'targets' => [
'.sequencejs' => [
'autoPlay'=> true,
'autoPlayDelay'=> 3000,
'nextButton'=> true,
'prevButton'=> true,
'preloader'=> true,
'navigationSkip'=> false