This is a web application inspired by Netflix that utilizes React, Tailwind CSS, Redux, and external APIs such as TMDb (The Movie Database), OpenAI, and Firebase authentication to provide users with a platform to browse movies, get recommendations, and interact with a movie database.
- Login/Sign Up: Users can sign in or sign up using the provided authentication system powered by Firebase.
- Browse Page: Upon successful authentication, users are redirected to the Browse Page.
- Header: Consists of navigation links and essential information.
- Main Movie Display: Displays a selected movie's trailer in the background along with its title and description.
- Movie Suggestions: Utilizes OpenAI APIs to suggest movies based on user preferences and viewing history.
- Movie Lists: Offers various categorized lists of movies.
- NetflixGPT Section: Includes a search bar for users to find specific movies and additional movie suggestions.
- React: Front-end development framework for building user interfaces.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Redux: State management library for managing application state.
- TMDb API: The Movie Database API used to fetch movie-related information.
- OpenAI API: Utilized for generating movie recommendations based on user preferences.
- Firebase: Authentication system used for user sign-in and sign-up functionalities.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up Firebase credentials and API keys.
- Start the application:
npm start
- Access the application through a web browser.
- Sign in or sign up using the provided authentication system.
- Explore the Browse Page featuring main movie displays, movie suggestions, movie lists, and the NetflixGPT section.
- Use the search bar in the NetflixGPT section to find specific movies.
- Enjoy browsing and discovering new movies!
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests for any improvements or additional features you'd like to propose.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.