In this ticket, we describe a 6 step workshop broken down into subtasks. The goal of this workshop is to introduce developers to the Java ecosystem, focused on the components that are important to Java agent developers. We know you may or may not have familiarity with Java’s syntax and standard library, but we want to make sure you understand the mechanics of how Java code is shipped in the real world
Important questions you’ll be able to answer at the end of this workshop:
How do Java developers package and distribute their java code? How does it work using only the primitives offered by the JDK?
What is a build tool? What problems from question #1 did it solve? What build tool do we use on the java agent team?
How do libraries/third party dependencies work in the Java ecosystem? Where do most developers download these artifacts from? Where do Contrast developers download third-party dependencies from?
How do I build a JAX-RS web application?
How do I build a Servlet web application? How do I package it in a docker image and run it as a docker container?
What is Jakarta EE? What is Java EE? What is J2EE?
What is a Java agent? How do I build one? How do I attach it to all the programs we’ve written as part of this tutorial?