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If you are in Europe and use CiviCRM to manage recurring contributions, you need this extension.

SEPA Direct Debit Module

This branch if currently maintained by Xavier Dutoit (TTTP, [email protected]) and Björn Endres (SYSTOPIA, [email protected]).

Find more documentation on

What it can do

  • OOFF and RCUR payments
  • SEPA dashboard gives you great status overview
  • payment processer e.g. for online donations
  • UI to manipulate mandates
  • full SEPA group life cycle: 'open'-'closed/sent'->'received'
  • record SEPA payment action and form for contacts
  • manual batching with parameters for notice period and horizon
  • automatic adjustment of late OOFF and RCUR transactions
  • integration with CiviBanking

What it can not (yet) do

  • permission management


If you need customised mandate references, exclude certain collection dates, or add a custom transaction message to the collection, you want to create a sepa customization extension implementing the following hooks:

  • civicrm_create_mandate - to generate custom mandate reference numbers
  • civicrm_defer_collection_date - to avoid days when your bank won't accept collections
  • civicrm_modify_txmessage - to customize the transaction message


function sepademo_civicrm_create_mandate(&$mandate_parameters) {

  if (isset($mandate_parameters['reference']) && !empty($mandate_parameters['reference']))
    return;   // user defined mandate

  // load contribution
  if ($mandate_parameters['entity_table']=='civicrm_contribution') {
    $contribution = civicrm_api('Contribution', 'getsingle', array('version' => 3, 'id' => $mandate_parameters['entity_id']));
    $interval = '00';   // one-time
  } else if ($mandate_parameters['entity_table']=='civicrm_contribution_recur') {
    $contribution = civicrm_api('ContributionRecur', 'getsingle', array('version' => 3, 'id' => $mandate_parameters['entity_id']));
    if ($contribution['frequency_unit']=='month') {
      $interval = sprintf('%02d', 12/$contribution['frequency_interval']);
    } else if ($contribution['frequency_unit']=='year') {
      $interval = '01';
    } else {
      // error:
      $interval = '99';
  } else {
    die("unsupported mandate");

  $reference  = 'SYSTOPIA';
  $reference .= $interval;
  $reference .= sprintf('C%08d', $contribution['contact_id']);
  $reference .= 'D';          // separator
  $reference .= date('Ymd');
  $reference .= 'N';          // separator
  $reference .= '%d';         // for numbers

  // try to find one that's not used yet...
  for ($n=0; $n < 10; $n++) {
    $reference_candidate = sprintf($reference, $n);
    // check if it exists
    $mandate = civicrm_api('SepaMandate', 'getsingle', array('version' => 3, 'reference' => $reference_candidate));
    if (isset($mandate['is_error']) && $mandate['is_error']) {
      // does not exist! take it!
      $mandate_parameters['reference'] = $reference_candidate;

  // if we get here, there are no more IDs
  die('No mandates IDs left for this id/date/type.');

function sepademo_civicrm_defer_collection_date(&$collection_date, $creditor_id) {
  // Don't collect on the week end
  $day_of_week = date('N', strtotime($collection_date));
  if ($day_of_week > 5) {
    // this is a weekend -> skip to Monday
    $defer_days = 8 - $day_of_week;
    $collection_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+$defer_days day", strtotime($collection_date)));

// generate transaction message
function sepademo_civicrm_modify_txmessage(&$txmessage, $info, $creditor) {
	$txmessage = "greetings from SYSTOPIA";

If you need help on how to create an extension, check out Tim Otten's great work on civix:


SEPA direct debit integration with civicrm






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