New Features
- Customizable error labels for LibreHardwareMonitor Widget fabd249
- implement asynchronous update checking for Windows and Winget a21276e
- implement threaded OBS connection handling e4c7f9c
- update interval values and standardize label syntax in Update Check documentation c9d5418
- adjust border radius and padding for menu items; improve exit handling 8f202ea
- bump build version to 1.4.0 e250343
Other Changes
- Merge pull request #74 by Video-Nomad from Video-Nomad/feat/libre-hw-custom-error-labels 5fe5203
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/amnweb/yasb 78d30ea
What's Changed
- feat(LHM): Customizable error labels for LibreHardwareMonitor Widget by @Video-Nomad in #74
Full Changelog: v1.3.9...v1.4.0