SPheno module of 331 right-handed neutrinos model with three triplets of Higgs. Model implemented taking as reference the paper: PRD 80, 113009 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.113009
I) Installation:
- Please adapt the Makefile according to your f90/f95 compiler. The Makefile is written for the NAC f95 compiler but options have been included for other compilers as well.
- Run make Model=331v3
This will compile the 331v3 SPheno program and put the executable in the bin
To run the program, change to the input directory and enter
The output will be written to two files:
- SPheno.spc.331v3 containg all information about masses, mixing matrices, decay widths, branching ratios and production cross sections.
- Spheno.out containing warnings and error messages and it should be empty.
- The library libSPheno.a is stored in the subdirectory lib.
II) Running the program Copy the LesHouches.in.331v3_low file to root directory of SPheno (change the numbers according to your needs), then enter ../bin/SPheno331v3 LesHouches.in.331v3_low