Please check my article first:
- Create a file called argocd-install/values-gke.yaml based on argocd-install/values-gke.example.yaml.
- Execute the following commands.
# If Minikube, start your cluster
minikube start
# If GKE, get the cluster credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --region YOUR_CLUSTER_REGION --project YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID
# Go to argocd-install folder
cd argocd-install
# If GKE, put your cert into keys
mkdir keys
# Create Namespaces
kubectl create ns argocd
kubectl create namespace ingress-nginx
## Deploy Secrets
kubectl -n argocd create secret tls argocd-server-tls --cert keys/tls.crt --key keys/tls.key
## If Google SSO
kubectl -n argocd create secret generic argocd-google-groups-json --from-file=keys/googleAuth.json
# If GKE, Install Ingress, if minikube, ignore.
helm install -n ingress-nginx argocd-ingress-nginx ./ingress-nginx --set "controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=" --set controller.admissionWebhooks.enabled=false
# Install Argo
helm install -n argocd argocd ./argo-cd -f values-<YOUR_FILE>.yaml
- If GKE, Get the ingress IP and add a DNS entry for that.
If minikube, expose through port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
- Add the Git Repository by CLI or use the Web Interface
UI user: admin
UI pass: kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
repo https: YOUR_HTTP_REPO_URL
- Create the core apps
kubectl apply -f argocd-core-projects.yaml
kubectl apply -f argocd-core-applications.yaml
- Define your ApplicationSet or Application in argocd-apps folder.
- Define the AppProject for your applications with the right permissions in argocd-appprojects or edit a existing one with the cluster and namespaces allowed.
- Create a repository to store your charts inside the DevOps/GitOps or other Group. Folder Structure Suggestion:
└── my-application/
├── chart/
├── configs/ (optional)
├── values-override.yaml
└── values-<any>.yaml (optional)
- Add your application repository in ArgoCD.
- SSO doesn't work: Restart the DEX Server Deployment