Generate QR codes compatible with the Swiss "QR-Rechnung" in Swift.
Run the target QRBillTestApp
to see it in action.
Works on macOS and iOS.
⚠️ Limited testing⚠️ No guarantees whatsoever⚠️ Does not include the Swiss flag in the center- Seems to work for some very specific use-cases.
In Package.swift:
// in your package:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "master")
// in your target:
dependencies: [
.product(name: "QRBill", package: "QRBill")
In Xcode: Adding package dependencies to your app
import QRBill
let data = QRBill.Data(
iban: "CH00 1234 5678 9012 3456 7",
amount: 123.45,
currency: .chf,
creditor: .structured(name: "Jöhn Doe", street: "Towñroad", streetNr: "10", zip: "8765", city: "Littletown", countryCode: "CH"),
ultimateCreditor: .none,
debtor: .structured(name: "Jane Doé", street: "Broadway", streetNr: "1", zip: "1234", city: "New Townish", countryCode: "CH"),
reference: .none,
unstructuredMessage: "Purchase 12345678"
// Bitmap
let image = try BillCodeGenerator.createImage(from: data)
// Vectorized
let svgString = try BillCodeGenerator.createSVGString(from: data)