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Adding iterative_methods.jl
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andreasvarga committed Oct 3, 2023
1 parent 3e02e58 commit 5693fde
Showing 1 changed file with 275 additions and 0 deletions.
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions src/iterative_methods.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
gtsylvi(A, B, C, D, E; mx, nx, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute a solution `X` of the generalized T-Sylvester matrix equation
∑ A_i*X*B_i + ∑ C_j*transpose(X)*D_j = E,
where `A_i` and `C_j` are matrices having the same row dimension equal to the row dimension of `E` and
`B_i` and `D_j` are matrices having the same column dimension equal to the column dimension of `E`.
`A_i` and `B_i` are contained in the `k`-vectors of matrices `A` and `B`, respectively, and
`C_j` and `D_j` are contained in the `l`-vectors of matrices `C` and `D`, respectively.
Any of the component matrices can be given as an `UniformScaling`.
The keyword parameters `mx` and `nx` can be used to specify the row and column dimensions of `X`,
if they cannot be inferred from the data.
A least-squares solution `X` is determined using a conjugate-gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Sylvester linear operator `L:X -> Y` such that `L(X) = E` or `norm(L(X) - E)` is minimized.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution and
the keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: `maxiter = 1000`).
_Note:_ For the derivation of the adjoint equation see reference [1], which also served as motivation to implement a general linear matrix equation solver in Julia.
[1] Uhlig, F., Xu, A.B. Iterative optimal solutions of linear matrix equations for hyperspectral and multispectral image fusing. Calcolo 60, 26 (2023).
function gtsylvi(A::Vector{TA}, B::Vector{TB}, C::Vector{TC}, D::Vector{TD}, E::AbstractArray{T}; mx = -1, nx = -1, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T,TA,TB,TC,TD}
LT = gsylvop(A,B,C,D; mx, nx)
xt, info = cgls(LT,vec(E); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return reshape(xt,,LT.nx), info
ghsylvi(A, B, C, D, E; mx, nx, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute a solution `X` of the generalized H-Sylvester matrix equation
∑ A_i*X*B_i + ∑ C_j*X'*D_j = E,
where `A_i` and `C_j` are matrices having the same row dimension equal to the row dimension of `E` and
`B_i` and `D_j` are matrices having the same column dimension equal to the column dimension of `E`.
`A_i` and `B_i` are contained in the `k`-vectors of matrices `A` and `B`, respectively, and
`C_j` and `D_j` are contained in the `l`-vectors of matrices `C` and `D`, respectively.
Any of the component matrices can be given as an `UniformScaling`.
The keyword parameters `mx` and `nx` can be used to specify the row and column dimensions of `X`,
if they cannot be inferred from the data.
A least-squares solution `X` is determined using a conjugate-gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Sylvester linear operator `L:X -> Y` such that `L(X) = E` or `norm(L(X) - E)` is minimized.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution and
the keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: maxiter = 1000).
_Note:_ For the derivation of the adjoint equation see reference [1], which also served as motivation to implement a general linear matrix equation solver in Julia.
[1] Uhlig, F., Xu, A.B. Iterative optimal solutions of linear matrix equations for hyperspectral and multispectral image fusing. Calcolo 60, 26 (2023).
function ghsylvi(A::Vector{TA}, B::Vector{TB}, C::Vector{TC}, D::Vector{TD}, E::AbstractArray{T}; mx = -1, nx = -1, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T,TA,TB,TC,TD}
LT = gsylvop(A,B,C,D; mx, nx, htype = true)
xt, info = cgls(LT,vec(E); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return reshape(xt,,LT.nx), info
tlyapci(A, C; adj = false, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute for a rectangular `A` and a symmetric `C` a solution `X` of the continuous T-Lyapunov matrix equation
A*X +transpose(X)*transpose(A) = C if adj = false,
A*transpose(X) + X*transpose(A) = C if adj = true.
For a matrix `A`, a least-squares solution `X` is determined using a conjugate gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Lyapunov linear operator `L:X -> Y` such that `L(X) = C` or `norm(L(X) - C)` is minimized.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution and
the keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: maxiter = 1000).
function tlyapci(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, C::AbstractMatrix{T}; adj = false, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T}
m = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(C)
ma, n = size(A)
ma == m || throw(DimensionMismatch("A and C have incompatible dimensions"))
issymmetric(C) || throw(ArgumentError("C must be symmetric"))
LT = tlyapop(A; adj)
xt, info = cgls(LT,vec(C); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return adj ? reshape(xt,m,n) : reshape(xt,n,m), info
hlyapci(A, C; adj = false, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute for a rectangular `A` and a hermitian `C` a solution `X` of the continuous H-Lyapunov matrix equation
A*X +X'*A' = C if adj = false,
A*X' + X*A' = C if adj = true.
For a matrix `A`, a least-squares solution `X` is determined using a conjugate gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Lyapunov linear operator `L:X -> Y` such that `L(X) = C` or `norm(L(X) - C)` is minimized.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution.
The keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: maxiter = 1000).
function hlyapci(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, C::AbstractMatrix{T}; adj = false, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T}
m = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(C)
ma, n = size(A)
ma == m || throw(DimensionMismatch("A and C have incompatible dimensions"))
ishermitian(C) || throw(ArgumentError("C must be hermitian"))
LT = hlyapop(A; adj)
xt, info = cgls(LT,vec(C); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return adj ? reshape(xt,m,n) : reshape(xt,n,m), info

tulyapci(U, Q; adj = false, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute for an upper triangular `U` and a symmetric `Q` an upper triangular solution `X` of the continuous T-Lyapunov matrix equation
U*transpose(X) + X*transpose(U) = Q if adj = false,
transpose(U)*X + transpose(X)*U = Q if adj = true.
For a `n×n` upper triangular matrix `U`, a least-squares upper-triangular solution `X` is determined using a conjugate-gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Lyapunov linear operator `L:X -> Y`, which maps upper triangular matrices `X`
into upper triangular matrices `Y`, and the associated matrix `M = Matrix(L)` is ``n(n+1)/2 \\times n(n+1)/2``.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution.
The keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: `maxiter = 1000`).
function tulyapci(U::AbstractMatrix{T}, Q::AbstractMatrix{T}; adj = false, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T}
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(U)
n == LinearAlgebra.checksquare(Q) || throw(DimensionMismatch("U and Q have incompatible dimensions"))
istriu(U) || throw(ArgumentError("U must be upper triangular"))
issymmetric(Q) || throw(ArgumentError("Q must be symmetric"))
LT = tulyapop(adj ? U : transpose(U))
xt, info = cgls(LT,triu2vec(Q); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return vec2triu(xt), info
hulyapci(U, Q; adj = false, abstol, reltol, maxiter) -> (X,info)
Compute for an upper triangular `U` and a hermitian `Q` an upper triangular solution `X` of the continuous H-Lyapunov matrix equation
U*X' + X*U' = Q if adj = false,
U'*X + X'*U = Q if adj = true.
For a `n×n` upper triangular matrix `U`, a least-squares upper-triangular solution `X` is determined using a conjugate-gradient based iterative method applied
to a suitably defined T-Lyapunov linear operator `L:X -> Y`, which maps upper triangular matrices `X`
into upper triangular matrices `Y`, and the associated matrix `M = Matrix(L)` is ``n(n+1)/2 \\times n(n+1)/2``.
The keyword arguments `abstol` (default: `abstol = 0`) and `reltol` (default: `reltol = sqrt(eps())`) can be used to provide the desired tolerance for the accuracy of the computed solution.
The keyword argument `maxiter` can be used to set the maximum number of iterations (default: `maxiter = 1000`).
function hulyapci(U::AbstractMatrix{T}, Q::AbstractMatrix{T}; adj = false, abstol = zero(float(real(T))), reltol = sqrt(eps(float(real(T)))), maxiter = 1000) where {T}
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(U)
n == LinearAlgebra.checksquare(Q) || throw(DimensionMismatch("U and Q have incompatible dimensions"))
istriu(U) || throw(ArgumentError("U must be upper triangular"))
ishermitian(Q) || throw(ArgumentError("Q must be symmetric"))
LT = hulyapop(adj ? U : U')
xt, info = cgls(LT,triu2vec(Q); abstol, reltol, maxiter)
info.flag == 1 || @warn "convergence issues: info = $info"
return vec2triu(xt), info

cgls(A, b; shift, tol, maxiter, x0) -> (x, info)
Solve `Ax = b` or minimize `norm(Ax-b)` using `CGLS`, the conjugate gradient method for unsymmetric linear equations and least squares problems.
`A` can be specified either as a rectangular matrix or as a linear operator, as defined in the `LinearMaps` package.
The keyword argument `shift` specifies a regularization parameter as `shift = s`. If
`s = 0` (default), then `CGLS` is Hestenes and Stiefel's specialized form of the
conjugate-gradient method for least-squares problems. If `s ≠ 0`, the system `(A'*A + s*I)*b = A'*b` is solved.
A tolerance `tol` can be specified for stopping the iterative process (default: `tol = 1.e-6`).
The maximum number of iterations can be specified using `maxiter` (default: `maxiter = max(size(A),20)`).
An initial guess for the solution can be specified using the keyword argument vector `x0` (default: `x0 = 0`).
The resulting named tuple `info` contains `(flag, resNE, iter) `, with convergence related information, as follows:
`info.flag` - convergence flag with values:
1, if convergence occured;
2, if the maximum number of iterations has been reached without convergence;
3, if the matrix `A'*A + s*I` seems to be singular or indefinite;
4, if instability seems likely meaning `(A'*A + s*I)` indefinite and `norm(x)` decreased;
`info.resNE` - the relative residual for the normal equations `norm(A'*b - (A'*A + s*I)*x)/norm(A'*b)`;
`info.iter` - the iteration number at which `x` was computed.
This function is a translation of the MATLAB implementation of `CGLS`, the conjugate gradient method for nonsymmetric linear equations and least squares problems
The author of the code is Michael Saunders, with contributions from
Per Christian Hansen, Folkert Bleichrodt and Christopher Fougner.
_Note:_ Two alternative solvers `lsqr` and `lsmr` available in the [`IterativeSolvers`]( package can be also employed.
For example, the following call to `lsqr` can be alternatively used:
using IterativeSolvers
lsqr(A, b; kwargs...) -> x[, history]
where `kwargs` contains solver-specific keyword arguments. A similar call to `lsmr` can be used.
function cgls(A, b; shift = 0, abstol = 0, reltol = 1e-6, maxiter = max(size(A,1),size(A,2),20), x0 = zeros(size(A,2)))

T = eltype(A)
x = copy(x0)
r = b - A*x
s = A'*r-shift*x

# Initialize
p = s
norms0 = norm(s)
gamma = norms0^2
normx = norm(x)
xmax = normx
k = 0
flag = 0

indefinite = 0
resNE = 0

# Main loop
while (k < maxiter) && (flag == 0)

k += 1

q = A*p;

delta = norm(q)^2 + shift*norm(p)^2
delta < 0 && (indefinite = 1)
delta == 0 && (delta = eps(real(float(T))))
alpha = gamma / delta

x = x + alpha*p
r = r - alpha*q

s = A'*r - shift*x

norms = norm(s)
gamma1 = gamma
gamma = norms^2
beta = gamma / gamma1
p = s + beta*p

# Convergence
normx = norm(x)
xmax = max(xmax, normx)
#flag = Int((norms <= norms0 * tol) || (normx * tol >= 1))
flag = Int((norms <= max(norms0 * reltol, abstol)) || (normx * reltol >= 1))

# Output
resNE = norms / norms0;
isnan(resNE) && (resNE = zero(norms))

end # while

iter = k;

shrink = normx/xmax;
if k == maxiter; flag = 2; end
if indefinite > 0; flag = 3; end
if shrink <= sqrt(reltol); flag = 4; end
return x, (flag = flag, resNE = resNE, iter = iter)

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