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Generating the 1G1R set

Andre Brait edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 7 revisions

In order to generate the set, we need:

  1. The DAT file, provided with the -d option
  2. The desired Regions, provided with the -r option
  3. The place where you keep your ROMs, provided with the -i option
  4. A place to put the resulting set of ROMs, provided with the -o option
  5. Other options, if you want to further customize your set.

The following command will generate a NES 1G1R set for the regions USA and EUR, as well as ROMs from other regions as long as the game is in English (with the options -l en and --all-regions-with-lang), excluding pre-release ROMs (that is, prototypes, betas, unlicensed games, etc., with the --no-all option), BIOSes and Programs. It'll scan ROMs in the folder provided after the -i option and it'll copy the best matches to the folder provided after the -o option. We are also going to exclude Virtual Console and GameCube Edition ROMs by using the exclude option --exclude.

python3 -r USA,EUR -l en --exclude "Virtual Console,GameCube" --no-all --all-regions-with-lang -d "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Parent-Clone) (20200127-000518).dat" -i "C:\User\andre\Downloads\Emulation\ROMs\NES" -o "C:\User\andre\Downloads\1G1R\NES"
  • Note: by default, the tool will copy the files to the destination folder. If you'd like the tool to move them, use the --move option.
  • Important note: starting from version 1.6.0, it supports finding the right files by checking their hashes. This takes longer (because it has to read the files) but is highly recommended given changes in the DAT files make relying on file names a very bad idea. To use it, add the option --use-hashes to your command (this is now the default in 1.9.0 and --use-hashes was deprecated).
  • Important note 2: there was a bug when checking hashes for some consoles (NES, FDS, etc.) which has been fully fixed in version 1.8.0. Checking hashes will be made the default in the future (this is now the default starting from version 1.9.0).
  • Important note 3: checking hashes is the default starting from version 1.9.0. To disable it and use matching by name instead (NOT RECOMMENDED), add --no-scan to the command. Also make sure to add -e <extension> if your ROM files' extension differ from the default uncompressed ROM extension.