A webpack plugin that uses svgstore package
to store specified svg images as symbols and makes them available for injection in
html-webpack-plugin as htmlWebpackPlugin.files.svgstore
This plugin aims to do what gulp-svgstore and grunt-svgstore does. There are other webpack plugins that handle svg sprites in a more traditional webpack way and I encourage you to check them out first.
npm i svgstore-webpack-plugin
yarn add svgstore-webpack-plugin
You can specify loader options the regular way in your webpack config:
const SvgstoreWebpackPlugin = require("svgstore-webpack-plugin");
pluginsmodule: [
new SvgstoreWebpackPlugin({
src: // glob specifing your svg icons/sprites,
svgOptions: // optional options object for the svgstore package
context: // root/context for the src glob
All PRs are welcome! Note that conventional changlog/standard version is used for versioning and commit messages.
- Tests
- Ability to define several glob patterns in