Hello! My name is Andrey Gulyaykin and this is my fourth frontend project on Hexlet.
Hexlet Chat is a simplified version of Slack, where you can exchange messages in real time, create, delete and rename channels.
The project implements filtering of obscene words, notification of user actions using pop-up messages.
The project uses web sockets, interaction with the REST API, the use of React (with hooks), Redux (via reduxjs/toolkit), the organization of routing on the client, as well as user authorization and authentication.
Just 3 commands for a quick start
git clone [email protected]:andrew-walker91/frontend-project-12
make install
make start
Register or log in with an administrator account
- Login:
- Password:
- Login:
Write something in the channels created by default
Create a channel using ➕ on the left side of the application
Enjoy this unobtrusive notification of successful channel creation
You can express your delight even with the help of bad words, the application will take care of it
- React / React Hooks - user interfaces
- Redux / Redux Toolkit - state container
- Bootstrap - CSS Framework
- Socket.io - WebSocket based browser-server communication
- Axios - HTTP requests
- Formik - building forms on React
- Yup - form validation
- I18next - manage text
- React-toastify - pop-up notifications
- Leo-profanity - profanity filter
- Rollbar - error tracking
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