I like Citibike so I wanted to take a look at Citibike data. This is for a personal project.
Tableau visualization: https://public.tableau.com/views/Citibike_17113249064880/CitibikeDashboard?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Some of the things I want to try and do:
- Find interesting patterns in citibike usage, such as:
- Do people really use more electic bikes for bridge trips?
- Which paths (start/end stations) are the most popular?
- Are there any interesting commuting patterns (e.g. people taking the train to work in the morning but biking home later)
Long-term goals:
- Create some kind of Tableau reporting here
- Implement other things (sqlfluff, github actions, other cool stuff)