FirstSpawn Plugin for Bukkit. Redirects the spawn location for first-timers.
- /firstspawn - Teleports to FirstSpawn-location. Location defaults to spawn in default world.
- /firstspawn - Teleports player to the FirstSpawn-location.
- /firstspawn set - Sets the FirstSpawn-location.
- /firstspawn reload - Reloads the configuration.
- /spawn - Not technically part of the plugin, but players using the command on their first visit will be sent to FirstSpawn-location.
- firstspawn.spawn - Allows player to use /firstspawn command.
- firstspawn.send - Allows player to send other players to FirstSpawn-location.
- firstspawn.set - Allows player to use /firstspawn set
- firstspawn.reload - Allows player to reload configuration file.
Plugin is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Any issues can be reported by opening an issue on GitHub.