NextBook is a free online platform that connects people within the community who share a common love for knowledge sharing. The idea behind NextBook is simple: sign up to the platform, lend a book out, and borrow a book to gain affordable, accessible education.
This project was developed as part of Mega Hackathon 2023.
- Fetch books from the OpenLibrary api
- Fetch categories that are in the PostgreSQL Database
- Nice popup for book details
NextBook was built using the following technologies:
- ReactJS - frontend development
- Styled-components - designing
- PostgreSQL - database management
- SpringBoot - backend development
To get started with NextBook, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository
- Run npm install to install all required dependencies
- Run npm run start to launch the application in development mode
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/ in your web browser to access NextBook
- User registration and authentication
- Lend and borrow books with other users
- Search for books by title, author, or genre
- View borrowing history and pending requests
- Rate and review books
- Admin view for analyzing engagement and impact of the platform
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.