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Wendigo 0.9.0

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@angrykoala angrykoala released this 24 Jun 20:51
· 700 commits to master since this release

This version contains core changes to how the queries and requests are handled. To update from a previous version:

  • Make sure to update the calls to browser.requests.mock(), these no longer accept a third parameter for "method", it can be set as part of the options in the second parameter
  • Browser.query, queryAll and queryXpath no longer return Puppeteer's ElementHandle objects, if you are manually using those objects, make sure to access them using the parameter element of the resulting object


  • Updated requests mocks interface
  • Requests mocks now support regex and queryStrings
  • Console module
  • Console assertion
  • Exactly assertion in requests
  • Browser.scroll method
  • DomElement object to interface with Puppeteer's elementhandle