We decided to use GitHub to keep the version controlled. It is still work in progress and needs to be updated and reviewed. For contributions please fork the repo and raise a PR. For any updates and ideas, please raise an issue.
An HTML offline version of this repo can be produced with pandoc and git style css as required using the following command:
pandoc -c gh.css -s facilitation.md -o facilitation.html
TO DO: (needs to be converted into issues)
- Before the Enablement
- Enablement Facilitation
- Kick off
- Why Canvas
- Who Canvas
- Pains & Gains Canvas
- Target Outcomes Canvas
- Market Overview
- Gathering Technical Requirements
- Wrap Up
- Output
- After the Enablement
- Feedback gathering notes
- Add the canvas image to the folder
- Inventory of all facilitation Materials
- check old enablement guide, see if anything needs adding
- review by Darps
- review by Cansu
- review by Donal
- review by Kerrie
- review by Ed
- Review by Jason