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Dockerfiles for portable shiny apps

These images are a stable and convenient base to package shiny apps, typically with a Dockerfile looking like:

FROM asachet/shiny-base:3.6.1

# Add packages specific to this app
RUN install2.r -s --error \
radarchart \

WORKDIR /usr/local/src/mycoolapp

COPY data/ data/
COPY www/ www/
COPY *.R ./
COPY *.yml ./


CMD ["r", "-e", "shiny::runApp('.', port=3838, host='', launch.browser=F)"]


  • Built on the most stable R image, rocker/r-ver
  • Contains shiny and common packages like shinydashboard, shinyWidgets, shinythemes, DT for dataTableOutput, etc
  • Contains a minimal tidyverse and ggplot-verse
  • Contains convenience (and IMO best practice) tools like logging and config


  • Built on shiny-base for robustness
  • Adds system libraries and R packages necessary to connect to MySQL databases
  • NOTE: relies on RMariaDB instead of the legacy RMySQL package!


  • Built on rocker-rstudio rather than rocker:r-ver, but using the same version.
  • Contains shiny-base + shiny-mysql + rstudio + devtools + roxygen2
  • Not meant for deployment but useful for development in the same controlled environment using rstudio in the browser.


No longer living in this repository as R version tags did not make sense for this image.

  • Containerised shinyproxy, suitable to set up a shinyproxy server. Simply add your yml config. See
  • Dockerfile adapted from openalanalytics's shinyproxy-config-examples
  • Not a suitable base for shiny apps as it does not contain shiny.


These Dockerfiles are under the MIT license. RStudio and Shiny are trademarks of RStudio, Inc.