The Printing Enhanced Bundle extends the Printing bundle by further capabilities.
- map.apps 4.9.0 or later
- A print service that supports the Get Layout Templates Info Task (
- ArcGIS Server 10.4 or later (pageUnits property is supported since 10.6)
Simply add the bundle "dn_printingenhanced" to your app.
dn_printingenhanced Documentation
Before you can run the project you have to define the mapapps.remote.base property in the pom.xml-file:
Goal parameters
mvn install -Dmapapps.remote.base=http://%YOURSERVER%/ct-mapapps-webapp-%VERSION%
Build properties Change the mapapps.remote.base in the file and run:
mvn install -Denv=dev -Dlocal.configfile=%ABSOLUTEPATHTOPROJECTROOT%/