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My (Arch) Linux setup.

TODO (Things I still need to configure)

  1. Edit README to not be so ugly;
  2. Coffee emoji icon in waybar doesn't do anything;
  3. Find out why some emojis don't work in waybar;
  • Bluetooth audio icon;
  • Charging icon.
  1. Rice waybar UI more;
  2. Rice SDDM. see if upower acpi is needed


  1. Login manager & tiling window manager configuration;
  2. Bash configuration;
  3. Other packages I use.

Getting the login manager & tiling window manager working.

  1. Install yay; git clone; cd yay; makepkg -si; cd ..; rm -rf yay
  2. Principal dependencies; yay -S sddm wayland waybar ttf-hack-nerd i3 dmenu i3-status hyprland hyprpaper wofi
  • sddm: Login manager;
  • wayland: Not an xorg configuration; hyprland uses wayland;
  • waybar: Status bar;
  • ttf-mononoki-nerd: Default font;
  • hyprland: Our tiling window manager;
  • wofi: Application launcher;
  1. Enabling systemd services;
  • sudo systemctl enable sddm: Enable the login manager;
  • sudo systemctl enable power-profiles-daemon: Enables the power-profiles-daemon;
  • sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager: Enables network-manager;
  1. My SDDM theme is maldives, so edit /lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf to set maldives as your current theme;
  2. Install xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland to compatibility in applications, ensuring a smooth and speedy hyprland experience.
  • yay -S gbm hyprland-protocols hyprlang hyprutils hyprwayland-scanner libdrm sdbus-cpp wayland-protocols; cd ~/Downloads; git clone --recursive; cd xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland/; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=/usr/lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -B build; cmake --build build; sudo cmake --install build

Other packages I use for the configuration to work completely (also just main programs like browser, editor, etc).

sudo yay -S xf86-video-amdgpu mesa mesa-utils vulkan-radeon opencl-amd neovim livegrep kitty firefox dolphin grim slurp udiskie power-profiles-daemon pavucontrol network-manager brightnessctl gnome-disk-utility git-completion otf-font-awesome

  • xf86-video-amdgpu, mesa, mesa-utils, vulkan-radeon, & opencl-amd: AMD drivers;
  • neovim: Text editor;
  • livegrep: For fuzzy finding in neovim;
  • kitty: Terminal;
  • firefox: Default browser;
  • dolphin: File manager;
  • grim & slurp: For screenshots;
  • udiskie: Automatically mount USBs;
  • power-profiles-daemon: For the power button menu to work in waybar;
  • network-manager: Network manager, use nmtui to connect to networks;
  • brightnessctl: Brightness control on laptops;
  • gnome-disk-utility: For browsering disk space;
  • git-completion: Git tab completion on things such as branches;
  • otf-font-awesome: Needed in waybar for icons of nerd fonts to work.

Table of contents of what is in ~/.config.

  1. hyprland tiling window manager: ./.config/hypr;
  2. i3 tiling window manager: ./.config/i3;
  3. i3's status bar, i3status: ./.config/i3status;
  4. waybar status bar: ./.config/waybar;
  5. wofi application launcher: ./.config/wofi;
  6. kitty terminal: ./.config/kitty;
  7. Neovim: ./.config/nvim.


My home directory on linux.






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