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SimpleReact overview

johnmcclean-aol edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 1 revision



SimpleReact is a simple asynchronous API for manipulating a finite Stream of eagerly executing CompletableFutures as if it were just a Stream of values.


SimpleReact Stream provides a simple API for aggregate operations on CompletableFutures, as such is particularly well suited to asynchronous, multi-threaded tasks - such as simultaneously performing multiple I/O actions. Implemented under the hood as a Stream of CompletableFutures the SimpleReact Stream has three areas of focus.

  1. Those tasks that can be modelled as chain of actions for each CompletableFuture.
  2. Group operations on the Futures themselves (such as anyOf / allOf)
  3. Operations on the underlying Stream of Futures (zip, slice, skip, limit, skipUntil,firstOf, combineLatest etc)


Building a non blocking NIO rest client

Why SimpleReact

Why daisy-chain together CompletableFuture's by hand? SimpleReact allows you to put together sophisticated concurrent chains of CompletableFutures with a very easy to use API.

SimpleReact is built on top of JDK standard libraries and unlike other Reactive implementations for Java, specifically targets JDK 8 and thus reuses rather than reinvents Streams, Functional interfaces etc. SimpleReact augments the parallel Streams functionality in JDK by providing a facade over both the Streams and CompletableFuture apis. Under-the-hood, SimpleReact is a Stream of CompletableFutures, and presents that externally as an api somewhat inspired by the Javascript Promises / A+ Spec (

Everything is concurrent in SimpleReact. While this does limit some of the syntax-sugar we can provide directly, the small & focused SimpleReact Api together with the Apis of the underlying JDK 8 primitives offer often surprising levels of power and flexibility.

###Configuring concurrency

TaskExecutor and RetryExecutor configuration can be changed on per stage basis of in any of the SimpleReact streams

SimpleReact Streams and commands


LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream, ReactiveSeq

When a limit is applied to a LazyFutureStream it is applied to the tasks before they start.

lazyfuturestream limit


###EagerFutureStream, LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

For all three Streams map or then converts input data in one format to output data in another.

stream map/then


###EagerFutureStream, LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

Retry allows a task in a stage to be retried if it fails

stream retry


###LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream For all three Streams onFail allows recovery from a Streaming stage that fails.

stream onFail


LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

Capture allows error handling for unrecoverable errors.

eagerfuturestream capture


###EagerFutureStream, LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

For all three Streams specifying a flatMap splits a single result into multiple tasks by returning a Stream from the flatMap method.

stream flatMap

##allOf (async collect) ###SimpleReactStream

allOf is the inverse of flatMap. It rolls up a Stream from a previous stage, asynchronously into a single collection for further processing as a group.

stream allOf

##anyOf ###SimpleReactStream

anyOf progresses the flow with the first result received.

eagerfuturestream anyof

##block / collect ###ReactiveSeq, LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

Block behaves like allOf except that it blocks the calling thread until the Stream has been processed.

eagerfuturestream block

##zip ###ReactiveSeq, LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

Zip merges two streams by taking the next available result from each stream. For SimpleReactStreams the underlying Stream of futures is zipped, connnecting two future objects into a Tuple2.

stream zip

##toQueue ###LazyFutureStream, SimpleReactStream

toQueue creates a new simplereact.aysnc.Queue that is populated asynchronously by the current Stream. Another Stream (Consumer) can be created from the Queue by calling queue.toStream() eagerfuturestream toqueue

##Data flow of the SimpleReactStream API

SimpleReactStream : A Simple Fluent Api for Functional Reactive Programming with Java 8

EagerFutureStream and LazyFutureStream have this functionality in addition to JDK 8 Stream functionality and jOOλ Seq methods, applied to a Stream of JDK 8 CompletableFutures.

SimpleReact starts with an array of Suppliers which generate data other functions will react to. Each supplier will be passed to an Executor to be executed, potentially on a separate thread. Each additional step defined when calling Simple React will also be added as a linked task, also to be executed, potentially on a separate thread.

##Example 1 : reacting with completablefutures

React with

			List<CompletableFuture<Integer>> futures = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.with(it -> it * 100);

In this instance, 3 suppliers generate 3 numbers. These may be executed in parallel, when they complete each number will be multiplied by 100 - as a separate parrellel task (handled by a ForkJoinPool or configurable task executor). A List of Future objects will be returned immediately from Simple React and the tasks will be executed asynchronously. React with does not block. ##Example 2 : chaining

React then / map

	 	new SimpleReact()
	 			.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)

React then allows event reactors to be chained. Unlike React with, which returns a collection of Future references, React then is a fluent interface that returns the React builder - allowing further reactors to be added to the chain. React then does not block. React with can be called after React then which gives access to the full CompleteableFuture api. CompleteableFutures can be passed back into SimpleReact via SimpleReact.react(streamOfCompleteableFutures); See this blog post for examples of what can be achieved via CompleteableFuture :-

React retry

	 	new SimpleReact()
	 			.<Integer> react(() -> url1, () -> url2, () -> url3)
				.retry(it -> readRemoteService(it))
				.then(it ->  extractData(it))
				.then(it -> writeToQueue(it))

Retry allows a stage to be retried a configurable number of times. Retry functionlity is provided by async-retry (, that provides a very configurable mechanism for asynchronous retrying based on CompletableFutures. In SimpleReact a RetryExecutors can be plugged in at any stage. Once plugged in it will be used for the current and subsequent stages of the Stream (until replaced).


	new SimpleReact()
		.<Integer> react(() -> url1, () -> url2, () -> url3)
		.retry(it -> readRemoteService(it))

To configure a retry executor follow the instructions on E.g :-

    ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
    RetryExecutor executor = new AsyncRetryExecutor(scheduler).
       withExponentialBackoff(500, 2).     //500ms times 2 after each retry
       withMaxDelay(10_000).               //10 seconds
       withUniformJitter().                //add between +/- 100 ms randomly

React and flatMap

##Example 3: blocking

React and block

			List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)

In this example, once the current thread of execution meets the React block method, it will block until all tasks have been completed. The result will be returned as a List. The Reactive tasks triggered by the Suppliers are non-blocking, and are not impacted by the block method until they are complete. Block, only blocks the current thread.

##Example 4: breakout

Sometimes you may not need to block until all the work is complete, one result or a subset may be enough. To faciliate this, block can accept a Predicate functional interface that will allow SimpleReact to stop blocking the current thread when the Predicate has been fulfilled. E.g.

			List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)
				.block(status -> status.getCompleted()>1);

In this example the current thread will unblock once more than one result has been returned. The available fields on the status object are :- completed errors total elapsedMillis

##Example 5 : onFail

React onFail onFail allows disaster recovery for each task (a separate onFail should be configured for each react phase that can fail). E.g. if reading data from an external service fails, but default value is acceptable - onFail is a suitable mechanism to set the default value.

			List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 100, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> {
					if (it == 100)
						throw new RuntimeException("boo!");
					return it;
				.onFail(e -> 1)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)

In this example, should the first "then" phase fail, the default value of 1 will be used instead.

##Example 6: non-blocking

React and allOf

allOf is a non-blocking equivalent of block. The current thread is not impacted by the calculations, but the reactive chain does not continue until all currently alloted tasks complete. The allOf task is then provided with a list of the results from the previous tasks in the chain. Any parallelStreams used inside allOf will reuse the SimpleReact ExecutorService - if it is a ForkJoinPool (which it is by default), rather than the Common ForkJoinPool parallelStreams use by default.

        	boolean blocked[] = {false};
			new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)	
				.then(it -> {
					try {
					} catch (Exception e) {
					blocked[0] =true;
					return 10;
				.allOf( it -> it.size());


In this example, the current thread will continue and assert that it is not blocked, allOf could continue and be executed in a separate thread.

first() is a useful method to extract a single value from a dataflow that ends in allOf. E.g.

        	boolean blocked[] = {false};
			int size = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)	
				.then(it -> {
					try {
					} catch (Exception e) {
					blocked[0] =true;
					return 10;
				.allOf( it -> it.size()).first();


##Example 7: non-blocking with the Stream api

             List<Integer> result =new SimpleReact()
             	.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> {
					return it*200;
				.<Integer,Integer>allOf( (it )->{
					return it.parallelStream()
					.filter( f -> f>300)
					.map(m -> m-5)
					.reduce(0, (acc,next) -> acc+next); 


In this example we block the current thread to get the final result, the allOf task uses the Streams api to setup another FRP chain that takes the inputs from our initial parellel jobs ([1,2,3] -> [200,400,600]), and does a filter / map/ reduce on them in parallel.

##Example 6 : capturing exceptions

React capture

onFail is used for disaster recovery (when it is possible to recover) - capture is used to capture those occasions where the full pipeline has failed and is unrecoverable.

			List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> {
					if (it == 100)
						throw new RuntimeException("boo!");
					return it;
				.onFail(e -> 1)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)
				.then(it -> {
					if ("*200".equals(it))
						throw new RuntimeException("boo!");
					return it;
				.capture(e -> logger.error(e.getMessage(),e))

In this case, strings will only contain the two successful results (for ()->1 and ()->3), an exception for the chain starting from Supplier ()->2 will be logged by capture. Capture will not capture the exception thrown when an Integer value of 100 is found, but will catch the exception when the String value "*200" is passed along the chain.

##Example 7 : using the Streams Api

React and the Streams Api

A SimpleReact Stage implements both and org.jooq.lambda Streaming interfaces. This section describes how to interact with the JDK implementation of

It is possible to reuse the internal SimpleReact ExecutorService for JDK 8 parallelStreams. SimpleReact uses a ForkJoinPool as the ExecutorService by default, and to reuse the ExecutorService with parallelStreams it must be a ForkJoinPool - so if you want to supply your own make sure it is also a ForkJoinPool. The easiest way to do this is via the submitAndBlock method.

Detailed Explanation A mechanism to share the SimpleReact ExecutorService with JDK Parallel Streams is provided via the collectResults method. NB This will only actually share the ExecutorService if it is an instance of ForkJoinPool (limitation imposed on JDK side). This method collects the results from the current active tasks, and clients are given the full range of SimpleReact blocking options. The results will then be made available to a user provided function when the submit method is called. The submit method will ensure that the user function is executed in such a way that the SimpleReact ExecutorService will also be used by ParallelStreams. It does this by submiting the user function & results to the ForkJoinPool and ParallelStreams has been written in such away to resuse any ForkJoinPool it is executed inside.

A way to merge all these steps into a single method is also provided (submitAndBlock).

Example :

		 Integer result = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 200)
						it -> it.parallelStream()
								.filter(f -> f > 300)
								.map(m -> m - 5)
								.reduce(0, (acc, next) -> acc + next));

To use a different ExecutorService than SimpleReact's internal ExecutorService leverae parallelStream directly from block()

			ImmutableMap<String,Integer> dataSizes = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 30,()->400)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)
				.filter( it -> it.length()>3)
				.map(it -> ImmutableMap.of(it,it.length()))
				.reduce(ImmutableMap.of(),  (acc, next) -> ImmutableMap.<String, Integer>builder()

In this example the converted Strings are filtered by length and an ImmutableMap created using the Java 8 Streams Api.

##Example 8 : peeking at the current stage

Particularly during debugging and troubleshooting it can be very useful to check the results at a given stage in the dataflow. Just like within the Streams Api, the peek method can allow you to do this.

Example :

	List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.<String>then(it -> "*" + it)
				.peek((String it) ->"Value is {}",it))

##Example 9 : filtering results

The filter method allows users to filter out results they are not interested in.

Example :

	List<String> result = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)
				.filter(it -> it.startsWith("*1"))

##Example 10 : Concurrent iteration

SimpleReact provides a mechanism for starting a dataflow an iterator.

	List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);
	List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(list.iterator() ,list.size())
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)

##Example 11 : Infinite generators & iterators

Since v0.2 SimpleReact supports fully Infinite Streams, See :-

SimpleReact provides a mechanism over JDK Stream iterate and generate which will create 'infinite' Streams of data to react to. Because SimpleReact eagerly collects these Streams (when converting to active CompletableFutures), the SimpleReact api always requires a maximum size parameter to be set.

	List<String> strings = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> count++ ,SimpleReact.times(4))
				.then(it -> it * 100)
				.then(it -> "*" + it)
				.capture(e -> capture++)

##Example 12 : Splitting and merging SimpleReact dataflows

A simple example below where a dataflow is split into 3, processed separately then merged back into a single flow.

	Stage<String> stage = new SimpleReact()
				.<Integer> react(() -> 1, () -> 2, () -> 3)
				.then(it -> "*" + it);
		Stage<String> stage1 = stage.filter(it -> it.startsWith("*1"));
		Stage<String> stage2 = stage.filter(it -> it.startsWith("*2"));
		Stage<String> stage3 = stage.filter(it -> it.startsWith("*3"));
		stage1 = stage1.then(it -> it+"!");
		stage2 = stage2.then(it -> it+"*");
		stage3 = stage3.then(it -> it+"%");
		List<String> result = stage1.merge(stage2).merge(stage3).block();
  #Feature matrix

#Queues, Topics, Signals quick overview

Queues can be populated asyncrhonously by a Stream and read at will be consumers. Each message added to a queue can only be read by a single consumer, once a consuming Stream has removed a message from the Queue it is gone.

Visualisation of a SimpleReact dataflow : Queues

Topics can be populated asynchronously by a Stream and read at will by consumers. Each consumer is guaranteed to recieve every message sent to a topic once connected.

Visualisation of a SimpleReact dataflow : Topics

Signals track changes, and can provide those changes as continuous or discrete Streams.

Visualisation of a SimpleReact dataflow : Signals

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