This small repository implements the interactions with Aalto SISU API gateway to connect A+ course instances with their respective SISU realisations. The implementation extends the StudentInfoSystem class interface in A+. See the inline documentation at the base class definition in the main A+ repository ( for more details.
The package can be installed using pip (replace 0.2.0 with the current version number, as can be found in this GitHub repository):
pip install git+[email protected]#egg=aalto-sisu==0.2.0
In addition, the following settings need to be applied in order to take the plugin into use:
# Student Information System plugin settings
SIS_PLUGIN_MODULE = 'aalto_sisu.sis_aalto'
# Aalto-SISU SIS plugin settings
where 'xxx' and 'yyy' are the API keys for the Aalto API gateway. The basic API key can be obtained from the API gateway after you have logged in with your Aalto account. The enhanced API key is needed for the enhanced API that offers course teachers usernames and course participants, and needs to be requested separately from the Aalto integration team.