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FastAPI Quickstart

Alon Gubkin edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 1 revision

This guide will explain how to stream inferences from any FastAPI server to a parquet file on S3.


To get started as quickly as possible, see the Kafka deployment tutorial, which shows how to set up Kafka in minutes.

Step 1: Publish to a Kafka topic

First, you'll need to install the aiokafka library:

pip install aiokafka

Initialize a new Kafka producer. With FastAPI, it looks like this:

aioproducer = None

async def startup_event():
  global aioproducer
  aioproducer = AIOKafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="kafka-cp-kafka:9092")

  await aioproducer.start()

async def shutdown_event():
  await aioproducer.stop()

Then, whenever you have a new prediction you can publish it to a Kafka topic:"/predict")
async def predict(request: PredictRequest):

  await aioproducer.send("my-model", json.dumps({
    "id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
    "model_name": "my model",
    "model_version": "v1",
    "inputs": [{
      "age": 38,
      "previously_insured": True,
    "outputs": [{
      "will_buy_insurance": True,
      "confidence": 0.98,

Step 2: Create an InferenceLogger

Finally, we can create an InferenceLogger resource to stream the predictions to S3 using InferenceDB:

kind: InferenceLogger
  name: my-model
  namespace: default
  topic: my-model
    type: json
    config: {}
    type: confluent-s3
      url: s3://aporia-data/inferencedb
      format: parquet

  # Optional - Only if you want to override column names
  # schema:
  #   type: avro
  #   config:
  #     columnNames:
  #       inputs: [sepal_width, petal_width, sepal_length, petal_length]
  #       outputs: [flower]

Step 3: Success!

If everything was configured correctly, these predictions should have been logged to a Parquet file in S3.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_parquet("s3://aporia-data/inferencedb/default-my-model/")