discord-mgr add-company --guild=appscode --role=client_company
discord-mgr add-role --guild=appscode --role=client_company --username=client_user
discord-mgr remove-role --guild=appscode --role=client_company --username=client_user
An individual's server-wide permissions are determined by adding up all the allows for roles assigned to that individual along with the allows for @everyone.
Channel permissions start with server permissions as a base. Then, the hierarchy is as follows:
- Apply denies of @everyone on channel
- Apply allows of @everyone on channel
- Sum up all the denies of a member's roles and apply them at once
- Sum up all the allows of a member's roles and apply them at once
- Apply denies for a specific member if they exist
- Apply allows for a specific member if they exist
Add Bot: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=749722091602968586&permissions=8&scope=bot