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Please run the program in irb like the following:
2.6.5 :001 > require './lib/takeaway'
2.6.5 :002 > t = Takeaway.new
=> #<Takeaway:0x00007f7fa40e4b80 @dishes=#<Restaurant:0x00007f7fa40e4b30 @menu={:burgers=>3.0, :falafel=>4.5, :burrito=>6.5, :lasagna=>7.0, :quiches=>5.5}>, @basket=[]>
2.6.5 :005 > t.read_menu
Welcome to Ara's Vegan Canteen
item | price |
---------------- --------------
| burgers | 3.0 |
| falafel | 4.5 |
| burrito | 6.5 |
| lasagna | 7.0 |
| quiches | 5.5 |
2.6.5 :003 > t.order "burgers"
1x burgers added to your basket.
2.6.5 :004 > t.order "burrito", 2
2x burrito added to your basket.
2.6.5 :007 > t.basket_summary
=> {:burgers=>3.0, :burrito=>13.0}
2.6.5 :009 > t.checkout(19)
=> RuntimeError (Incorrect total provided. Basket total is 16.0)
2.6.5 :010 > t.checkout(16)
Successfully placed the order. A text confirmation will be sent to you shortly.
A twilio message is sent with the following message "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 11.41 (real local time + 1)"
- I used feature test in irb to plan the required methods and interaction with the user
- I wrote unit tests, starting with simple ones like selecting dishes, adding them to the basket and ending with testing sending SMS functionality
- I used Twilio to send text once order is placed
- Twilio was stubbed in unit testing but using it in IRB actually sends the confirmation test
- I was unable to use mock in every test as I should but I plan to refactor them accordingly once I develop more familiarity with mocking and stubbing