🎮 Scroll Fighter is an innovative, blockchain-based fighting game that lives on the Scroll network. This game uses Scroll smart contracts and Noir contracts on Aztec to ensure secure and proofably fair fights..
⚙️ Built on Scroll, Aztec, The Graph and NextJS.
Landing Page | Create Game |
Games Overview | Play Game |
A contract written in Noir is used to verify the validity of the challenger's committed strategy. By providing a proof generated by Noir, the game smart contract can use the on-chain verifier to ensure the strategy is valid. The Noir verifier checks if the fighter exists and if the moves are valid.
Scroll Fighter uses Noir and Sindri to generate proofs using the Sindri API. A very smooth and developer friendly way to interact with zk-proofs.
A subgraph is created to query created games on the ScrollFighter contract. Check out the games tab to see a nice overview of games that are retrieved from the subgraph. Please check out the screenshot above to see the games overview (it's not part of the demo video, because I completed this part very last minute).
This project uses Ankr RPC to deploy the game smart contracts. See the hardhat config file here.
Due to the limited time, I could not complete everything I set out to do. Additional features that I plan to add are:
- Allow challengers to start open games (anyone can join/accept)
- Complete and polish up game display animations
- Vercel deployment (not latest version)
- Presentation slides
- Presentation video
- Dorahacks BUILD
- GitHub
This project was build for the Scroll VORTEx 1 hackathon by: