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Taming Food Experiments

coldino edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

An intro to experimenting on the feature-taming-foods branch, in the interactive prompt (pipenv run i).

The imports:

>>> import ark.taming_food.species ; import ark.taming_food.items ; import ark.taming_food.calc
>>> import ark.taming_food.debug ; from tests.common import *

Scan and gather all items and their food effects from the core game - no mods:

>>> ark.taming_food.items.gather_items(loader, limit_modids=[''])

Show data for Narcoberry:

>>> ark.taming_food.debug.print_item_effects(ark.taming_food.items.items[BERRYNARC_ITEM].data)
      Food:  4.000 @ 3.0
    Torpor:  7.000 @ 3.0
  Affinity:  0.000 @ 1.0

Show overrides for the Dodo species:

>>> ark.taming_food.debug.print_species_overrides(ark.taming_food.species.collect_species_data(DODO_CHR, loader), loader)
classname             pri     food*    torp*    aff*    aff=
------------------  -----  --------  -------  ------  ------
SuperTestMeat           1    1             0       1  100000
Kibble_Base_XSmall      1    0.888         0       1     400
Kibble_Base             1    6             0       1      60
Veggie_Base             1    2             0       1      40
Berry_Mejoberry         1   20             0       1      30
Berry_Amarberry         1   13.3333        0       1      20
Berry_Azulberry         1   13.3333        0       1      20
Berry_Tintoberry        1   13.3333        0       1      20
Berry_Stimberry         1  -10             0       1       0
CookedMeat              1    0             0       1       0
CookedPrimeMeat         1    0             0       1       0
RawMeat                 1    0             0       1       0
RawPrimeMeat            1    0             0       1       0
SpoiledMeat             1    0             0       1       0
SweetVeggieCake         1    1             0       1       0

(sorted by affinity)

Columns are:

  1. Classname (full blueprint internally, classname only used for convenient display)
  2. Priority (presumably for choosing what to eat first)
  3. Food multiplier (applied to the item's food effect)
  4. Torpor multiplier (applied to the item's torpor effect)
  5. Affinity multiplier (always 1)
  6. Affinity override (how much affinity is gained from the item)

Calculate effects of all foods on a species:

>>> ark.taming_food.debug.print_results_for_species(DODO_CHR, loader)
/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP_C:  (needs 1901.25 affinity @ level 150)
   food     aff    need  class
-------  ------  ------  -----------------------
10       100000       1  SuperTestMeat
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_XSmall
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_Small
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_Medium
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_Large
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_XLarge
14.208      400       5  Kibble_RockDrakeEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Base_Special
14.208      400       5  Kibble_SauroEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_TherizinoEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Allo
14.208      400       5  Kibble_BoaEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Megalania
14.208      400       5  Kibble_MoschopsEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_CarnoEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_DimetroEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_DiploEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_PachyRhinoEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Pela
14.208      400       5  Kibble_SarcoEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_TerrorbirdEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_TroodonEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_TurtleEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_SpineyLizard
14.208      400       5  Kibble_DimorphEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_GalliEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_PachyEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_PegomastaxEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_PteroEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_RaptorEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_TrikeEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Camelsaurus
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Compy
14.208      400       5  Kibble_DiloEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_DodoEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_KairukuEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_LystroEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_ParaEgg
14.208      400       5  Kibble_Vulture
13.32       400       5  Kibble_LanternBirdEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_LanternLizardEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_QuetzEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_RexEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_ArgentEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_MegalosaurusEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_SpinoEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_TapejaraEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_Mantis
13.32       400       5  Kibble_AnkyloEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_BaryonyxEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_IguanodonEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_KaproEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_KentroEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_ScorpionEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_StegoEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_ArchaEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_IchthyornisEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_OviraptorEgg
13.32       400       5  Kibble_MicroraptorEgg
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_Special_EX
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_XLarge_EX
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_Large_EX
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_Medium_EX
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_Small_EX
 8.88       400       5  Kibble_Base_XSmall_EX
90           60      32  Kibble_SpiderEgg
90           60      32  Kibble_Moth
 6           60      32  Kibble_Base
40           40      48  Veggie_Base
40           40      48  Veggie_Citronal
40           40      48  Veggie_Longrass
40           40      48  Veggie_Rockarrot
40           40      48  Veggie_Savoroot
20           30      64  Berry_Mejoberry
13.3333      20      96  Berry_Amarberry
13.3333      20      96  Berry_Azulberry
13.3333      20      96  Berry_Tintoberry

...the current area of work is to take this list (which is much larger for some species) and turn it into a more useful list which could be presented to a user.