This branch is made for hometasks
Partial sum
➡️ Task: Create a function that implements partial sum
➡️ Expected output
- sum(1)(2); // 3
- const addOne = sum(1)
- addOne(2); // 3
- const addTen = sum(10);
- addTen(2); // 12
- addOne(4); // 5
- addTen(10); // 20
➡️ Solution
redundant function
➡️ Task: Write a function redundant that takes in a string str and returns a function that returns str.
➡️ Expected output
- const f1 = redundant("apple"); // //f1() ➞ "apple"
- const f2 = redundant("pear");//f2() ➞ "pear"
- const f3 = redundant("");//f3() ➞ ""
➡️ Solution
Add suffix
➡️ Task: Write a function that returns an anonymous function, which transforms its input by adding a particular suffix at the end.
➡️ Expected output
- add_ly = add_suffix("ly");
- add_ly("hopeless"); // "hopelessly"
- add_ly("total"); // "totally"
- add_less = add_suffix("less");
- add_less("fear"); // "fearless"
- add_less("ruth"); // "ruthless"
➡️ Solution
printAfter function
➡️ Task: Create a function printAfter that calls its argument after printing 'hello world'
➡️ Expected output
- printAfter(print); // 'hello, world' // 'Elon Musk'
➡️ Solution
Function to emplement filtering an array
➡️ Task: Write a function that implements filtering in array
➡️ Expected output
filterFalsyValues(values); // [true, {}, { name: "Elon" }];
filterFalsyValues(["hello", 1233, []]); // ['hello', 1233, []]
➡️ Solution
Function to remove elements of array with length <= 3
➡️ Task: Write a function which remove elements with length <= 3
➡️ Expected output
- filterByLength(["kia", "tesla", "bmw", "mercedes"]); // ['tesla', 'mercedes']
➡️ Solution
Are elements of the given array uniwue ?
➡️ Task: Given an array. Determine whether it consists only from uniques or not.
➡️ Solution
Determine if a word or phrase is an isogram.
➡️ Task: Determine if a word or phrase is an isogram. An isogram (also known as a "non pattern word") is a word or phrase without a repeating letter.
➡️ Solution
Sum of even numbers' quadratic.
➡️ Task: Given an array of numbers. Find the sum of numbersʼ quadratic which are even.
➡️ Solution
Largest product of adjacent elements.
➡️ Task: Given an array of integers, find the pair of adjacent elements that has the largest product and return that product.
➡️ Solution
- Vanilla JavaScript
Tigran Yeranyan
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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