This repository provides a summarization tool which returns the most "significant" sentences in a document, online article, or a video. It uses a flask web framework and parses HTTP requests for parameters and attachments.
: HTTP Server that returns bullet point summaries
Fundamentally, NotesCreator
is capable of
1) Parsing online articles and generating its summary
2) Converting audio to text in order to summarize it
3) Taking Word Document, Pdf, or Image as Input and returning its summary
4) Using IBM Watson to get tone of each sentence within a body of text
5) Running a Web Server that handles POST requests for summaries and tone
6) Handling GET requests for statistics on the host OS
On any Linux OS, clone this repository and setup API Keys and Flask Credentials within the config file
vim config.cfg
Install requirements of Python
Run the Main File:
source flaskappenv/bin/activate
python3 flaskapp.py
Testing Summarizing Output with CURL
curl -X POST "" \
-d formIdentify=notes -d bullet_points=10 \
-d URL=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Dorado \
-d choice=Website > index.html
firefox index.html # Can be any other browser
# For more, refer to the requirements.txt file