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Configuration parameters for firmware version RC 10.1, Horizon Tools 2.0.1

Alasdair Davies edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 15 revisions

Complete configuration parameters / values for the Arribada Horizon V4 kit, firmware version RC 10.1, Horizon Tools 2.0.1

Command Description
system System parameters
version Set a version number of the configuration file for your own purposes / records
deviceName Set a name for your tag
gps GPS parameters
lastKnownPosition Last known GPS location recorded with date and time (read-only)
accuracyHorizontal number (read-only)
accuracyVertical number (read-only)
height number (read-only)
iTOW number (read-only)
latitude number (read-only)
longitude number (read-only)
day number (read-only)
month number (read-only)
year number (read-only)
hours number (read-only)
minutes number (read-only)
seconds number (read-only)
logPositionEnable Log GPS positions in the main system log file (boolean)
logTTFFEnable Log GPS TimeToFirstFix values in the main system log file (boolean)
logDebugEnable Log GPS debug events in the main system log file (boolean)
maximumAcquisitionTime The maximum number of seconds that should be spent trying to aquire a GPS fix. 0=infinite)
scheduledAcquisitionInterval GPS scheduling period in seconds, i.e the number of seconds between each fix attempt. 0=continuous
scheduledAcquisitionNoFixTimeout The number of seconds to time out and stop trying to aquire a fix when scheduled. 0=indefinite
testFixHoldTime The hold period in seconds when running a test GPS fix before shutting down. 0=disabled
maxFixes The maximum number of GPS fixes to aquire after the first successful fix. 0=unlimited. NOTE: This field has no effect when processing the test fixhold time.
logEnable boolean, enable / disable writing battery status to the log
rtc Real time clock
syncToGPS boolean
dateTime string, e.g., "Wed, 21 Feb 2020 16:17:13 GMT (read only)
enable boolean, enable or disable logging in general
bytesWritten number (read-only)
fileSize number (read-only)
fileType string (read-only) LINEAR or CIRCULAR
groupSensorReadingsEnable boolean, try to group log entries with a single timestamp entry
syncFramingEnable boolean (read-only)
dateTimeEnable boolean, log the date and time
logEnable boolean, enable/disable saltwater switch submerged and surfaced event transitions
hysteresisPeriod required settling period in seconds for debouncing switch closed events (0=no debouncing)
deviceAddress format shall be "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" and the upper 2 most MSBs must be set to 1
scheduledInterval number, scheduling period in seconds; 0=continuous
scheduledDuration number, scheduled duration in seconds; 0=indefinite
advertisingInterval number, expressed in units of 0.625ms
connectionInterval number, expressed in units of 1.25ms
connectionInactivityTimeout number, force the connection to drop after inactivity period in seconds
phyMode 1_MBPS", "2_MBPS"
advertisingTags string, "LAST_GPS_TIME", "BATTERY_LEVEL"
logEnable boolean, enable/disable logging of BLUETOOTH_xxx log messages
logEnable boolean, enable accelerometer logging
highThreshold number, vector magnitude sum high threshold (when TRIGGERED)
sampleRate number, sample rate (when PERIODIC)
mode string, "PERIODIC", "TRIGGERED"
scheduledAcquisitionInterval number, the repetition period in seconds at which acquisitions are started for PERIODIC mode, 0=>continuously
maximumAcquisitionTime number, the period in seconds over which acquisitions are made for PERIODIC mode, 0=indefinitely
logEnable boolean, enable pressure sensor logging
sampleRate number, sampling rate for PERIODIC or TRIGGERED modes
highThreshold number, high threshold (TRIGGERED_BETWEEN or TRIGGERED_ABOVE)
lowThreshold number, low threshold (TRIGGERED_BELOW, TRIGGERED_BETWEEN)
mode string, one of PERIODIC or TRIGGERED
scheduledAcquisitionInterval number, the repetition period in seconds at which acquisitions are started for PERIODIC mode, 0=continuously
maximumAcquisitionTime number, the period in seconds over which acquisitions are made for PERIODIC mode, 0=indefinitely
enable boolean, enable / disable the use of IoT functionality (wireless radios / extensions)
logEnable boolean, enable info / debug logging for all IoT functions
minBatteryThreshold number, don't activate IoT unless min. battery level threshold is met
enable boolean, enable / disable the cellular module
connectionPriority number, 0=highest, 10=lowest; for handling radio access contentions (default 0)
connectionMode "2G, "3G", "AUTO"
logFilter string, list of logging tag names for sending of out going logging data
statusFilter string, list of status fields to send in a status update
maxBackoffInterval number, if no cellular coverage is found, the system will use an exponential back-off timer before performing a cell search again. The exponential back-off timer will be capped to this value (seconds). This timer overrides the "maxInterval" timer.
gpsScheduleIntervalOnMaxBackoff number, the IoT function can modify the GPS scheduling interval if the cellular max backoff interval has occurred (seconds). This allows a more power efficient mode to be activated by increasing the GPS schedule interval when cellular coverage is lost
minInterval number, don't try to make a connection if any other radio technology has transmitted within the prior interval (seconds).
minUpdates number, min. number of (eg GPS) updates to receive before trying to connect, 1=>at least 1 update, 2=>at least 2 updates, etc. 0=not permitted
checkFirmwareUpdates boolean, allow device to check for firmware updates via IoT cloud (cellular only)
checkConfigurationUpdates boolean, allow device to check for configuration updates via IoT cloud (cellular only)
arn string, the value of AWS $arn i.e same as the HTTPS domain name
port number, HTTPS port number for AWS
thingName string, unique thingName assigned to this device in AWS. If not specified use "system.deviceName"
loggingTopicPath string, e.g "/topics/#/logging" where # represents the thingName and shall be substituted
deviceShadowPath string, e.g "/topics/#/shadow" where # represents the thingName and shall be substituted
enable boolean, enable or disable the use of the Argos ARTIC satellite module
connectionPriority number, 0=>highest, 10=>lowest; for handling radio access contentions if using both cellular and satellite for example and wanting to transmit using a primary / secondary radio
statusFilter string, list of status fields to pack into each transmit message
minUpdates number, minimum number of updates (e.g GPS etc) to receive before transmitting. 1=>at least 1 update, 2=>at least 2 updates, etc. 0=not permitted
minInterval number, don't try to send a message if any other radio technology has transmitted within the prior interval (seconds).
maxInterval number, max. allowed interval in seconds between updates. This overrides "minUpdates" setting and forces a transmission as soon as the next satellite window arrives.
randomizedTxWindow number, number of seconds within a window to randomise the transmission. This is useful when multiple fixed transmitters are next to each other and you want to transmit at a different time but during the same satellite pass, for example a setting of 60 seconds would create a 60 second random window to transmit within.
minElevation number, the minimum angle in degrees to transmit during a satellite pass
testModeEnable boolean, enable / disable the test mode to send a test transmission
deviceIdentifier your Argos ID provided by CLS or written on your card inside your Horizon Dev kit. N.B the Artic specific configuration for device identifiers is usually 7 hex bytes
bulletin string, a list of bulletin string entries, one per satellite taken from the prepass orbital correction AOP file. Decode the file to output the JSON you require and copy and paste the bulletin entries here.