This is a Zephyr driver for the Sparkfun M6E Nano UHF RFID Reader, based on their Arduino Library.
The M6E Nano is a Serial Peripheral and is connected to the Zephyr host via UART. The driver uses the UART Polling API for sending data to the M6E Nano and the Interrupt API for receiving data.
Commands are sent to the M6E in the following format:
west init -m --mr development m6e-env
cd m6e-env
west update
cd m6e-nano-driver-zephyr/examples/simple
- To build for Pico with a Pico debugger -
west build -b rpi_pico -- -DOPENOCD=/usr/bin/openocd -DOPENOCD_DEFAULT_PATH=/usr/share/openocd/scripts -DRPI_PICO_DEBUG_ADAPTER=cmsis-dap