Twig function to embed svg files as inline svg code into your html code.
Developed by artack in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Provides twig function to embed svg files as inline svg code into your html code
- Compatible with PHP >= 8.1.
- Compatible with Symfony >= 6.1 (including 7).
You can install this bundle through Composer:
$ composer require artack/svg-inline-bundle
Register the bundle in your config/bundles.php
return [
Artack\SvgInlineBundle\SvgInlineBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Create the configuration file in your config/packages/artack_svg_inline.yaml
to define the base path for the svg files.
path: "%kernel.project_dir%/assets/ci/icon"
Load a svg file as inline svg code into your html code:
# some/template.html.twig
{{ svg_inline('twitter.svg') }}
If you want to add classes to the svg tag you can use the class
# some/template.html.twig
{{ svg_inline('twitter.svg', class: 'add as many classes as you want') }}