released this
06 Jun 16:50
126 commits
to master
since this release
This point here marks the last of ALiAS Writes v1.0.0 work. We now have an online (Slow), quite functional (lots of bugs), a blogging platform for all our members that would go on to be in place for the long foreseeable future. Where we would hopefully log every activity, work, and achievement of ALiAS and her members.
This wouldn't have been possible without
- Constant work and activity of @swarnimarun @Sc0rpi0n101
- Idea by @bhanuvrat
- and I like it a lot too @vipulgupta2048
Thank you, other contributors, as well @rohanvtk @Kaushl2208 @akshat0047
Mentioning you all too, maybe you would get around to contribute some content @Tanya-Jain @thisisayush @omi10859 @atb00ker @parthsharma2 @mystictot
Long live the blog.