Proof-of-concept of the inner workings of a novel cryptocurrency. Full implementation from blockchain data structure, to new block mining, to P2P networking layer.
Presentation of Implementation
docker pull asgaines/blockchain:latest
docker run -p 20403:20403 --rm -v ${PWD}/blockchain_storage:/storage -e BLOCKCHAIN_KEY=<your-key> asgaines/blockchain:latest -returnAddr=<your-ip>:20403 -seeds=<peer-ip:port>
is your "private" key, used for generating your wallet address and for verifying transactions. It can be whatever you'd like, so long as it's unique in the network.
Remove the volume mounting (-v ${PWD}/blockchain_storage:/storage
) if you don't care to analyze the ledger after mining.
docker run -i --rm --entrypoint="" asgaines/blockchain:latest go run client/main.go node sharetx -s <node-ip:port> <<< '{"tx": {"value": <amount-to-transfer>, "senderKey": "<your-key>", "recipient": "<recipient-pubkey>", "message": "<optional>"}}'
docker run -i --rm --entrypoint="" asgaines/blockchain:latest go run client/main.go node getcredit -s <node-ip:port> <<< '{"key": "<your-key>"}'