A spring boot app to optimize clinical workflow using RFID technology
This app takes http posts from the ThingMagic RFID reader and persists them in a MySQL database. The reader software invokes a service to write events every n seconds. Each event is a tuple consisting of(readerName,EPC,timeStamp,peakRSSI,readCount).
From these raw events, presence and co-presence information is derived for patient subjects and providers.
Windows - https://git-scm.com/download/win
OSX - Use homebrew followed by $ brew install git
Please note that STS includes a git tool within the IDE. See http://www.eclipse.org/egit/ for additional documentation.
Invoke the following scripts in sequence $ mysql < src/main/db/createdb.sql $ mysql -u rfid -p < src/main/db/schema.ddl.sql It will prompt for a password. Please configure your mysql password and update it in the following files
- src/main/db/createdb.sql
- src/main/resources/application.properties
Note that JPA is configured to autocreate & update the application database schema.