This repository contains my starred repositories grouped into different categories.
Last Update: Feb. 18th, 2019
Author: @charlesliucn
Newest Stars see here. Keras Notes see here
- 2.1 Machine Learning
- 2.2 Deep Learning
- 2.3 Reinforcement Learning
- 2.4 Toolkit or Library
- 2.5 Generative Adversial Networks
- 2.6 NLP(Natural Language Processing)
- 2.7 Speech Recognition
- 2.8 Data Mining
- Awesome Cheatsheet
- Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Programming Books
- Awesome Python
- Awesome Python in Chinese
- Data Structure and Algorithms in Python
- Free Programming Books
- Practical Programming Books
- Python: Algorithms Implementation
- Python: Gensim NLP Toolkit
- Python: Pandas Cookbook
- Python Programming: Games and Problems
- Python Programming
- Ubuntu Cheatsheet
- Algorithms: 4th Edition
- Algorithms (4th edition)
- Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
- Machine Learning for Hackers
- Machine Learning With TensorFlow
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Python
- The Elements of Statistical Learning: I
- The Elements of Statistical Learning: II
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Awesome Machine Learning in Chinese
- Awesome Machine Learning on Source Code
- Dive into Machine Learning
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Tutorials
- Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Tutorials
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Machine Learning Basic
- Machine Learning Basic Algorithms
- Machine Learning Cheatsheet
- Machine Learning CookBook
- Machine Learning Experiments
- Machine Learning for Software Engineers
- Machine Learning Guide for Beginners
- Machine Learning in Action
- Machine Learning Mindmap
- Machine Learning Notes
- Machine Learning Tutorials: Python3
- Machine Learning Tutorials: Morvan
- Machine Learning Udacity Course
- Machine Learning With R
- Python Machine Learning Book
- State of the Art Results for Machine Learning Problems
- AI Cheatsheet
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Deep Learning Papers
- Deep Learning Book (Chinese)
- Deep Learning for Java
- Deep Learning Javascript
- Deep Learning Keras and Tensorflow
- Deep Learning Papers
- Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap
- Deep Learning Papers and Notes
- Deep Learning Project I
- Deep Learning Project II
- Deep Learning Tutorials
- Deep Learning With Python Notebooks
- Deep Learning With 21 examples
- Courses
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Neural Networks for Beginners
- Simplified Deep Learning
- Solutions to
- Qix: Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Udacity: Deep-Learning Course
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Spark
- Caffe
- Caffe2
- Deep Learning for Windows 10
- GPU Training
- Keras
- MXNet/Gluon
- PyTorch
- Scikit-Learn
- Tensorflow
- Theano
- TuriCreate
- Bayes GAN
- Collection of GANs
- Introduction to GAN
- Improved WGANs: Pytorch
- Imporved WGANs: Tensorflow
- GAN models
- Generative Adversial Networks
- Leak GAN
- Text GAN I
- Text GAN II
- Wasserstein GANs
- Awesome NLP
- Awesome Chinese NLP
- Chinese natural language processing: Fudan University
- NLP Tutorial
- NLP Shell Tutorial
- Deep Learning for NLP Resources
- Oxford NLP Lectures
- Python and Cython for NLP
- Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Language Modelling
- Text Generation
- Toolkit
- Word Clustering
- Text Processing
- Word Embedding/Word2Vec
- Fast Text
- Four word2vec methods in Python
- GloVe Algorithm I: Tensorflow
- GloVe Algorithm II: Simple Python
- GloVe Algorithm III: Stanford Version
- Google word2vec
- Intrinsic Evaluation
- Multilingual Unsupervised or Supervised word Embeddings
- Skip-Gram and CBOW I
- Skip-Gram and CBOW II
- Skip-Gram and Negative Sampling
- Skip-Gram Algorithm: Pytorch
- Word Clustering: mkcls
- Baidu Deep Speech
- Baidu Deep Speech 2
- End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition
- Framework for Detection Evaluation
- Kaldi IO for Python
- Kaldi Toolkit
- Spoken Language Identification
- Tensorflow for Speech Recognition
- Voice Web: Speech Data Collection
- Wavenet: End-to-end ASR
- Business Analytics
- Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- Data Science Blogs
- Data Science Ipython Notebooks
- Data Science With Python
- FullStack Data Engineer
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Competition
- Emoji Cheatsheet
- GitHub Profile Summary
- Icons for Github Pages or Github Markdown
- Hexo Themes
- Icons for Github Pages or Github Markdown
- Alibaba Technology: Hangzhou Yunqi
- Awesome Github Wechat App
- Awesome Technology
- Awesome Wechat App
- Music Programming Language
- NIPS 2017 Resources
- Papers on Computer Science
- Interesting Applications