Ergo is a blockchain-based drone delivery and management application. Users can to deliver packages to any location within Glasgow and track drone locations and deliveries in real-time.
- Hackathon: Do You Have The GUTS?
- Date: 12/10/2024 - 13/10/2024
- Team Members:
- Frontend: Typescript, React, Tailwind, Mapbox
- Backend: Python, FastAPI,, Twilio
- Blockchain: Ethereum, Solidity
- Node.js
- uv
- crypto wallet with minimum 0.002 Sepolia Testnet ETH.
cd frontend
You will need a valid Mapbox API key inside .env
Install dependencies and run the development instance:
npm i
npm run dev
cd backend
You will need a valid Infura API key and a crypto wallet private key:
is the private key of your crypto wallet containing the sufficient SepoliaETH funds.
Install dependencies and run the development instance:
uv sync
cd src
uv run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8080
The follow is Ergo's landing page, where you can view all active drones in Glasgow by scrolling through the sidebar on the right or viewing their position on the map. Drones are red is they are waying for a package to be requested, and green if they are currently deliverying a package.
To add a package, navigate to the form by clicking on the "Add Package" button. Then fill in the form by typing in the current and destination latitude and longitudes or clicking the positons on the map.
Then watch as the nearest drone picks up the package and delivers it to its destination.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.