This repository contains the artwork for the ASReview project. The artwork and logos were made by Joukje Willemsen. The work is licensed under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
- The folder ElasAdventures contains vectorart of Elas on different adventures:
- The folder FlowChart contains the vectorart illustrating the ASReview LAB flow, how it compares with a traditional screening process, how they fit into the systematic review process and other potential uses of ASReview LAB.
- The folder Illustrations contains Illustrations that illustrate the workflow of systematic reviews with and without the use of ASReview.
- The folder LogoASReview contains raw and compiled files of our logo:
- The folder LottieAnimation contains animated json files created with Lottie
- The folder QuickTour contains the artwork used in the quicktour
- The folder SubLogos contains raw and compiled files of the ASReviewLAB and ASReviewRESEARCH logos:
- The folder SVGicons contains svg's that can be used on the website or in the app