Pure Storage FlashBlade REST 1.12 Python SDK. Compatible with REST API versions 1.0 - 1.12. Developed by Pure Storage, Inc. Documentations can be found at purity-fb.readthedocs.io.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.12
- Package version: 1.12.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
For more information, please visit http://www.purestorage.com
- This release of the purity_fb Python REST SDK accompanies the 3.2.0 release of Purity//FB.
- Active Directory
- End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Object Store Access Policies
- API Clients/OAuth Support
- Object Virtual Style Hosting
- Supported Time Zones
- Instantaneous Hot UID/GID Performance Stats
Be sure to visit the Purity//FB REST API 1.x Release Notes for complete descriptions and other relevant information for these features.
- Added the parameter
to the functionsupdate_lifecycle_rules
to manage lifecycle rules via GUIDs. When managing via GUIDs, eitherbucket_names
must be specified.
- Added the parameter
to the functioncreate_link_aggregation_groups
. - Replaced the parameter
for the FileSystemPatch model. - Removed the parameter
from the functionslist_file_systems
, andlist_keytabs
. - Removed the parameter
from the functionlist_keytabs
. - Removed the parameters
from the PolicyPatch model.
- This release of the purity_fb Python REST SDK accompanies the 3.1.1 release of Purity//FB.
- Public key for SSH access
- Adding and removing NFS export rules
- File System Access Control configuration options to control NFSv3/v4.1 and SMB clients behavior for accessing the files and directories permissions
- Added the property
to the Clients Performance response. - Added the parameter
to the functionupdate_policies
. This parameter must be set totrue
in order to remove rules that have snapshots created. Setting this parameter totrue
is an acknowledgement that some of the snapshots managed by this policy will be destroyed.
- Added the property
to the PolicyPatch model.
- This release of the purity_fb Python REST SDK accompanies the 3.1.0 release of Purity//FB.
- Welcome Banner
- Object Lifecycle Rules
- RBAC Roles
- Syslog Servers
- Import S3 Access Keys
- Removed the parameter
for the functionlist_object_store_access_keys
. This optional parameter was mistakenly added in a previous version, but was not supported.
- Python 2.7 or Python 3.4-3.6
- certifi
- python-dateutil
- six >= 1.10
- urllib3 >= 1.15
There are two ways to use pip to install.
The first is the easiest, i.e., using pypi:
pip install purity_fb
The second is to install from Github:
pip install git+https://github.com/purestorage/purity_fb_python_client.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/purestorage/purity_fb_python_client.git
Then import the package:
import purity_fb
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import purity_fb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from purity_fb import PurityFb, FileSystem, FileSystemSnapshot, SnapshotSuffix, rest
# create PurityFb object for a certain array
fb = PurityFb("")
# this is required for versions before Purity//FB 2.1.3 because they only supports self-signed
# certificates. in later versions, this may be unnecessary if you have imported a certificate.
## manage file systems
fs_obj = FileSystem(name="myfs", provisioned=50000)
# create a file system named myfs
# list all existing file systems
# destroy the file system myfs
fb.file_systems.update_file_systems(name="myfs", attributes=FileSystem(destroyed=True))
# eradicate the file system myfs
## manage file system snapshots
fb.file_system_snapshots.create_file_system_snapshots(sources=["myfs"], suffix=SnapshotSuffix("mysnap"))
# destroy the file system snapshot myfs.mysnap
fb.file_system_snapshots.update_file_system_snapshots(name="myfs.mysnap", attributes=FileSystemSnapshot(destroyed=True))
# eradicate the file system snapshot myfs.mysnap
except rest.ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
A PurityFb object represents a FlashBlade device.
class purity_fb.PurityFb(host, version=None, api_token=None)
The argument host is required, which is the IP address or host name of the device.
The optional argument version is the REST version number that the client wants to target at. If absent, the latest version is chosen.
The optional argument api_token will be used to log into the array if specified.
Following are generic methods for all versions.
Method | Parameters | Description |
disable_verify_ssl | none | Disable certificate verification for SSL. This method must be executed before any other calls. |
list_versions | none | List all available REST versions of the array. Public, authentication not required. |
login | api_token | Login to the REST server with a specified api-token. This method must be executed successfully before making any function calls to any APIs. |
logout | n/a | Logout from the REST server |
Note: Purity//FB 2.2 and later versions do support configuring certificates for REST server. However, when a certificate is not configured, a user is required to call disable_verify_ssl before making any other function calls. Once SSL verification is disabled, there will be warnings like the following:
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3-1.20-py3.6.egg/urllib3/connectionpool.py:852: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
These warnings could be disabled using urllib3.disable_warnings.
Once login succeeds, different endpoints could be accessed through the following read-only properties of PurityFb objects.
First, there are general endpoints that are not specific to versions, including api_version and authentication.
Property | Type | Descripstion |
api_version | VersionApi | Public APIs for querying supported REST versions. |
authentication | AuthenticationApi | Login/logout APIs. |
Second, there are versioned endpoints that are secured by authentication and could be different from version to version. One can specify the version parameter when creating a PurityFb object to choose APIs for a specific REST version. If version is not specified, by default, the most recent REST version available on the server is chosen.
Every method of each endpoint returns an object representing the body of the response from the server.
If other information such as response status code or response header is needed, the corresponding method
can be used.
For example,
fb = purity_fb.PurityFb("")
data = fb.file_systems.create_file_systems(FileSystem(name="myfs"))
Here response_data has type FileSystemResponse. And if call with HTTP information, both the response status and header will be returned as well.
(data, status, header) = fb.file_systems.create_file_systems_with_http_info(FileSystem(name="myfs"))
The property PurityFb.request_timeout allows one to get or update the global request timeout used by default for all API calls. The default request_timeout is 10 seconds for connection, and 30 seconds for read.
Property | Type | Descripstion |
request_timeout | urllib3.Timeout | Set or get the global request timeout for accessing the device. |
For example, fb.request_timeout = urllib3.Timeout(connect=8.0, read=20.0)
. This updates all API call to have 8 seconds connection
timeout and 20 seconds read timeout by default.
All APIs support the keyword parameter _request_timeout (of type urllib3.Timeout ) to specify request timeout for a specific API call.
For example,
fb.file_systems.create_file_systems(FileSystem(name="myfs"), _request_timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=5.0, read=15.0))}}
The property PurityFb.request_retry allows one to get or update the global retry setting used by default for all API calls. The default request_retry is 5 retries per call.
Property | Type | Descripstion |
request_retry | urllib3.Retry | Set or get the global request timeout for accessing the device. |
For example, fb.request_retry = urllib3.Retry(total=20, connect=15, read=15)
. This updates all API call to have
at most 20 retries in total, among which at most 15 connection retries and at most 15 read retries.
All URIs are relative to https://purity_fb_server/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActiveDirectoryApi | create_active_directory | POST /1.12/active-directory | |
ActiveDirectoryApi | delete_active_directory | DELETE /1.12/active-directory | |
ActiveDirectoryApi | list_active_directory | GET /1.12/active-directory | |
ActiveDirectoryApi | test_active_directory | GET /1.12/active-directory/test | |
ActiveDirectoryApi | update_active_directory | PATCH /1.12/active-directory | |
AdminsApi | list_admins | GET /1.12/admins | |
AdminsApi | update_admins | PATCH /1.12/admins | |
AdminsCacheApi | delete_admin_cache | DELETE /1.12/admins/cache | |
AdminsCacheApi | list_admin_cache | GET /1.12/admins/cache | |
AlertWatchersApi | create_alert_watchers | POST /1.12/alert-watchers | |
AlertWatchersApi | delete_alert_watchers | DELETE /1.12/alert-watchers | |
AlertWatchersApi | list_alert_watchers | GET /1.12/alert-watchers | |
AlertWatchersApi | test_alert_watchers | GET /1.12/alert-watchers/test | |
AlertWatchersApi | update_alert_watchers | PATCH /1.12/alert-watchers | |
AlertsApi | list_alerts | GET /1.12/alerts | |
AlertsApi | update_alerts | PATCH /1.12/alerts | |
ApiClientsApi | create_api_clients | POST /1.12/api-clients | |
ApiClientsApi | delete_api_clients | DELETE /1.12/api-clients | |
ApiClientsApi | list_api_clients | GET /1.12/api-clients | |
ApiClientsApi | update_api_clients | PATCH /1.12/api-clients | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | create_array_connections | POST /1.12/array-connections | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | create_array_connections_connection_keys | POST /1.12/array-connections/connection-key | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | delete_array_connections | DELETE /1.12/array-connections | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | list_array_connections | GET /1.12/array-connections | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | list_array_connections_connection_keys | GET /1.12/array-connections/connection-key | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | list_array_connections_paths | GET /1.12/array-connections/path | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | list_array_connections_performance_replication | GET /1.12/array-connections/performance/replication | |
ArrayConnectionsApi | update_array_connections | PATCH /1.12/array-connections | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays | GET /1.12/arrays | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_http_specific_performance | GET /1.12/arrays/http-specific-performance | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_nfs_specific_performance | GET /1.12/arrays/nfs-specific-performance | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_performance | GET /1.12/arrays/performance | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_performance_replication | GET /1.12/arrays/performance/replication | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_s3_specific_performance | GET /1.12/arrays/s3-specific-performance | |
ArraysApi | list_arrays_space | GET /1.12/arrays/space | |
ArraysApi | list_clients_performance | GET /1.12/arrays/clients/performance | |
ArraysApi | list_eulas | GET /1.12/arrays/eula | |
ArraysApi | list_supported_time_zones | GET /1.12/arrays/supported-time-zones | |
ArraysApi | update_arrays | PATCH /1.12/arrays | |
ArraysApi | update_eulas | PATCH /1.12/arrays/eula | |
AuditsApi | list_audits | GET /1.12/audits | |
AuthenticationApi | login | POST /login | |
AuthenticationApi | logout | POST /logout | |
BladeApi | list_blades | GET /1.12/blades | |
BucketReplicaLinksApi | create_bucket_replica_links | POST /1.12/bucket-replica-links | |
BucketReplicaLinksApi | delete_bucket_replica_links | DELETE /1.12/bucket-replica-links | |
BucketReplicaLinksApi | list_bucket_replica_links | GET /1.12/bucket-replica-links | |
BucketReplicaLinksApi | update_bucket_replica_links | PATCH /1.12/bucket-replica-links | |
BucketsApi | create_buckets | POST /1.12/buckets | |
BucketsApi | delete_buckets | DELETE /1.12/buckets | |
BucketsApi | list_buckets | GET /1.12/buckets | |
BucketsApi | list_buckets_performance | GET /1.12/buckets/performance | |
BucketsApi | list_buckets_s3_specific_performance | GET /1.12/buckets/s3-specific-performance | |
BucketsApi | update_buckets | PATCH /1.12/buckets | |
CertificateGroupsApi | add_certificate_group_certificates | POST /1.12/certificate-groups/certificates | |
CertificateGroupsApi | create_certificate_groups | POST /1.12/certificate-groups | |
CertificateGroupsApi | delete_certificate_groups | DELETE /1.12/certificate-groups | |
CertificateGroupsApi | list_certificate_group_certificates | GET /1.12/certificate-groups/certificates | |
CertificateGroupsApi | list_certificate_group_uses | GET /1.12/certificate-groups/uses | |
CertificateGroupsApi | list_certificate_groups | GET /1.12/certificate-groups | |
CertificateGroupsApi | remove_certificate_group_certificates | DELETE /1.12/certificate-groups/certificates | |
CertificatesApi | add_certificate_certificate_groups | POST /1.12/certificates/certificate-groups | |
CertificatesApi | create_certificates | POST /1.12/certificates | |
CertificatesApi | delete_certificates | DELETE /1.12/certificates | |
CertificatesApi | list_certificate_certificate_groups | GET /1.12/certificates/certificate-groups | |
CertificatesApi | list_certificate_uses | GET /1.12/certificates/uses | |
CertificatesApi | list_certificates | GET /1.12/certificates | |
CertificatesApi | remove_certificate_certificate_groups | DELETE /1.12/certificates/certificate-groups | |
CertificatesApi | update_certificates | PATCH /1.12/certificates | |
DirectoryServicesApi | list_directory_services | GET /1.12/directory-services | |
DirectoryServicesApi | list_directory_services_roles | GET /1.12/directory-services/roles | |
DirectoryServicesApi | test_directory_services | GET /1.12/directory-services/test | |
DirectoryServicesApi | test_directory_services_with_changes | PATCH /1.12/directory-services/test | |
DirectoryServicesApi | update_directory_services | PATCH /1.12/directory-services | |
DirectoryServicesApi | update_directory_services_roles | PATCH /1.12/directory-services/roles | |
DnsApi | list_dns | GET /1.12/dns | |
DnsApi | update_dns | PATCH /1.12/dns | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | create_file_system_replica_link_policies | POST /1.12/file-system-replica-links/policies | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | create_file_system_replica_links | POST /1.12/file-system-replica-links | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | delete_file_system_replica_link_policies | DELETE /1.12/file-system-replica-links/policies | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | list_file_system_replica_link_policies | GET /1.12/file-system-replica-links/policies | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | list_file_system_replica_link_transfer | GET /1.12/file-system-replica-links/transfer | |
FileSystemReplicaLinksApi | list_file_system_replica_links | GET /1.12/file-system-replica-links | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | create_file_system_snapshots | POST /1.12/file-system-snapshots | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | delete_file_system_snapshots | DELETE /1.12/file-system-snapshots | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | delete_file_system_snapshots_transfer | DELETE /1.12/file-system-snapshots/transfer | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | delete_filesystem_snapshot_policies | DELETE /1.12/file-system-snapshots/policies | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | list_file_system_snapshots | GET /1.12/file-system-snapshots | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | list_file_system_snapshots_transfer | GET /1.12/file-system-snapshots/transfer | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | list_filesystem_snapshot_policies | GET /1.12/file-system-snapshots/policies | |
FileSystemSnapshotsApi | update_file_system_snapshots | PATCH /1.12/file-system-snapshots | |
FileSystemsApi | create_file_systems | POST /1.12/file-systems | |
FileSystemsApi | create_filesystem_policies | POST /1.12/file-systems/policies | |
FileSystemsApi | delete_file_systems | DELETE /1.12/file-systems | |
FileSystemsApi | delete_filesystem_policies | DELETE /1.12/file-systems/policies | |
FileSystemsApi | list_file_systems | GET /1.12/file-systems | |
FileSystemsApi | list_file_systems_groups_performance | GET /1.12/file-systems/groups/performance | |
FileSystemsApi | list_file_systems_performance | GET /1.12/file-systems/performance | |
FileSystemsApi | list_file_systems_users_performance | GET /1.12/file-systems/users/performance | |
FileSystemsApi | list_filesystem_policies | GET /1.12/file-systems/policies | |
FileSystemsApi | update_file_systems | PATCH /1.12/file-systems | |
HardwareApi | list_hardware | GET /1.12/hardware | |
HardwareApi | update_hardware | PATCH /1.12/hardware | |
HardwareConnectorsApi | list_hardware_connectors | GET /1.12/hardware-connectors | |
HardwareConnectorsApi | update_hardware_connectors | PATCH /1.12/hardware-connectors | |
KeytabsApi | create_keytabs | POST /1.12/keytabs | |
KeytabsApi | delete_keytabs | DELETE /1.12/keytabs | |
KeytabsApi | download_keytab_file | GET /1.12/keytabs/download | |
KeytabsApi | list_keytabs | GET /1.12/keytabs | |
KeytabsApi | upload_keytab_file | POST /1.12/keytabs/upload | |
LifecycleRulesApi | create_lifecycle_rules | POST /1.12/lifecycle-rules | |
LifecycleRulesApi | delete_lifecycle_rules | DELETE /1.12/lifecycle-rules | |
LifecycleRulesApi | list_lifecycle_rules | GET /1.12/lifecycle-rules | |
LifecycleRulesApi | update_lifecycle_rules | PATCH /1.12/lifecycle-rules | |
LinkAggregationGroupsApi | create_link_aggregation_groups | POST /1.12/link-aggregation-groups | |
LinkAggregationGroupsApi | delete_link_aggregation_groups | DELETE /1.12/link-aggregation-groups | |
LinkAggregationGroupsApi | list_link_aggregation_groups | GET /1.12/link-aggregation-groups | |
LinkAggregationGroupsApi | update_link_aggregation_groups | PATCH /1.12/link-aggregation-groups | |
LoginBannerApi | list_login_banner | GET /login-banner | |
LogsApi | list_logs | GET /1.12/logs | |
NetworkInterfacesApi | create_network_interfaces | POST /1.12/network-interfaces | |
NetworkInterfacesApi | delete_network_interfaces | DELETE /1.12/network-interfaces | |
NetworkInterfacesApi | list_network_interfaces | GET /1.12/network-interfaces | |
NetworkInterfacesApi | update_network_interfaces | PATCH /1.12/network-interfaces | |
ObjectStoreAccessKeysApi | create_object_store_access_keys | POST /1.12/object-store-access-keys | |
ObjectStoreAccessKeysApi | delete_object_store_access_keys | DELETE /1.12/object-store-access-keys | |
ObjectStoreAccessKeysApi | list_object_store_access_keys | GET /1.12/object-store-access-keys | |
ObjectStoreAccessKeysApi | update_object_store_access_keys | PATCH /1.12/object-store-access-keys | |
ObjectStoreAccessPoliciesApi | add_object_store_access_policies_object_store_users | POST /1.12/object-store-access-policies/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreAccessPoliciesApi | list_object_store_access_policies | GET /1.12/object-store-access-policies | |
ObjectStoreAccessPoliciesApi | list_object_store_access_policies_object_store_users | GET /1.12/object-store-access-policies/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreAccessPoliciesApi | remove_object_store_access_policies_object_store_users | DELETE /1.12/object-store-access-policies/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreAccountsApi | create_object_store_accounts | POST /1.12/object-store-accounts | |
ObjectStoreAccountsApi | delete_object_store_accounts | DELETE /1.12/object-store-accounts | |
ObjectStoreAccountsApi | list_object_store_accounts | GET /1.12/object-store-accounts | |
ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsApi | create_object_store_remote_credentials | POST /1.12/object-store-remote-credentials | |
ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsApi | delete_object_store_remote_credentials | DELETE /1.12/object-store-remote-credentials | |
ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsApi | list_object_store_remote_credentials | GET /1.12/object-store-remote-credentials | |
ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsApi | update_object_store_remote_credentials | PATCH /1.12/object-store-remote-credentials | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | add_object_store_users_object_store_access_policies | POST /1.12/object-store-users/object-store-access-policies | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | create_object_store_users | POST /1.12/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | delete_object_store_users | DELETE /1.12/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | list_object_store_users | GET /1.12/object-store-users | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | list_object_store_users_object_store_access_policies | GET /1.12/object-store-users/object-store-access-policies | |
ObjectStoreUsersApi | remove_object_store_users_object_store_access_policies | DELETE /1.12/object-store-users/object-store-access-policies | |
ObjectStoreVirtualHostsApi | create_object_store_virtual_hosts | POST /1.12/object-store-virtual-hosts | |
ObjectStoreVirtualHostsApi | delete_object_store_virtual_hosts | DELETE /1.12/object-store-virtual-hosts | |
ObjectStoreVirtualHostsApi | list_object_store_virtual_hosts | GET /1.12/object-store-virtual-hosts | |
PoliciesApi | create_policies | POST /1.12/policies | |
PoliciesApi | create_policy_file_system_replica_links | POST /1.12/policies/file-system-replica-links | |
PoliciesApi | create_policy_filesystems | POST /1.12/policies/file-systems | |
PoliciesApi | delete_policies | DELETE /1.12/policies | |
PoliciesApi | delete_policy_file_system_replica_links | DELETE /1.12/policies/file-system-replica-links | |
PoliciesApi | delete_policy_filesystem_snapshots | DELETE /1.12/policies/file-system-snapshots | |
PoliciesApi | delete_policy_filesystems | DELETE /1.12/policies/file-systems | |
PoliciesApi | list_policies | GET /1.12/policies | |
PoliciesApi | list_policy_file_system_replica_links | GET /1.12/policies/file-system-replica-links | |
PoliciesApi | list_policy_filesystem_snapshots | GET /1.12/policies/file-system-snapshots | |
PoliciesApi | list_policy_filesystems | GET /1.12/policies/file-systems | |
PoliciesApi | list_policy_members | GET /1.12/policies/members | |
PoliciesApi | update_policies | PATCH /1.12/policies | |
QuotasGroupsApi | create_group_quotas | POST /1.12/quotas/groups | |
QuotasGroupsApi | delete_group_quotas | DELETE /1.12/quotas/groups | |
QuotasGroupsApi | list_group_quotas | GET /1.12/quotas/groups | |
QuotasGroupsApi | update_group_quotas | PATCH /1.12/quotas/groups | |
QuotasSettingsApi | list_quotas_settings | GET /1.12/quotas/settings | |
QuotasSettingsApi | update_quotas_settings | PATCH /1.12/quotas/settings | |
QuotasUsersApi | create_user_quotas | POST /1.12/quotas/users | |
QuotasUsersApi | delete_user_quotas | DELETE /1.12/quotas/users | |
QuotasUsersApi | list_user_quotas | GET /1.12/quotas/users | |
QuotasUsersApi | update_user_quotas | PATCH /1.12/quotas/users | |
RolesApi | list_roles | GET /1.12/roles | |
SmtpApi | list_smtp | GET /1.12/smtp | |
SmtpApi | update_smtp | PATCH /1.12/smtp | |
SnmpAgentsApi | list_snmp_agents | GET /1.12/snmp-agents | |
SnmpAgentsApi | list_snmp_agents_mib | GET /1.12/snmp-agents/mib | |
SnmpAgentsApi | update_snmp_agents | PATCH /1.12/snmp-agents | |
SnmpManagersApi | create_snmp_managers | POST /1.12/snmp-managers | |
SnmpManagersApi | delete_snmp_managers | DELETE /1.12/snmp-managers | |
SnmpManagersApi | list_snmp_managers | GET /1.12/snmp-managers | |
SnmpManagersApi | test_snmp_managers | GET /1.12/snmp-managers/test | |
SnmpManagersApi | update_snmp_managers | PATCH /1.12/snmp-managers | |
SubnetsApi | create_subnets | POST /1.12/subnets | |
SubnetsApi | delete_subnets | DELETE /1.12/subnets | |
SubnetsApi | list_subnets | GET /1.12/subnets | |
SubnetsApi | update_subnets | PATCH /1.12/subnets | |
SupportApi | list_support | GET /1.12/support | |
SupportApi | test_support | GET /1.12/support/test | |
SupportApi | update_support | PATCH /1.12/support | |
SyslogApi | create_syslog_servers | POST /1.12/syslog-servers | |
SyslogApi | delete_syslog_servers | DELETE /1.12/syslog-servers | |
SyslogApi | list_syslog_servers | GET /1.12/syslog-servers | |
SyslogApi | list_syslog_settings | GET /1.12/syslog-servers/settings | |
SyslogApi | test_syslog_config | GET /1.12/syslog-servers/test | |
SyslogApi | update_syslog_servers | PATCH /1.12/syslog-servers | |
SyslogApi | update_syslog_settings | PATCH /1.12/syslog-servers/settings | |
TargetsApi | create_targets | POST /1.12/targets | |
TargetsApi | delete_targets | DELETE /1.12/targets | |
TargetsApi | list_targets | GET /1.12/targets | |
TargetsApi | list_targets_performance_replication | GET /1.12/targets/performance/replication | |
TargetsApi | update_targets | PATCH /1.12/targets | |
UsageGroupsApi | list_group_usage | GET /1.12/usage/groups | |
UsageUsersApi | list_user_usage | GET /1.12/usage/users | |
VersionApi | list_versions | GET /api_version |
- ActiveDirectory
- ActiveDirectoryPatch
- ActiveDirectoryPost
- ActiveDirectoryResponse
- Admin
- AdminApiToken
- AdminCache
- AdminCacheResponse
- AdminResponse
- Alert
- AlertResponse
- AlertWatcher
- AlertWatcherPost
- AlertWatcherResponse
- AlertWatcherTest
- AlertWatcherTestResponse
- ApiClientPatch
- ApiClientPost
- ApiClientResp
- ApiClientsResponse
- ArrayConnection
- ArrayConnectionKey
- ArrayConnectionKeyResponse
- ArrayConnectionPath
- ArrayConnectionPathResponse
- ArrayConnectionPost
- ArrayConnectionResponse
- ArrayHttpPerformance
- ArrayHttpPerformanceResponse
- ArrayNfsPerformance
- ArrayNfsPerformanceResponse
- ArrayPerformance
- ArrayPerformanceReplicationResponse
- ArrayPerformanceResponse
- ArrayResponse
- ArrayS3Performance
- ArrayS3PerformanceResponse
- ArraySpace
- ArraySpaceResponse
- Audit
- AuditResponse
- BaseObjectType
- Blade
- BladeResponse
- Bucket
- BucketPatch
- BucketPerformance
- BucketPerformanceResponse
- BucketPost
- BucketReplicaLink
- BucketReplicaLinkPost
- BucketReplicaLinkResponse
- BucketResponse
- BucketS3Performance
- BucketS3PerformanceResponse
- BuiltIn
- BuiltInWithId
- Certificate
- CertificateGroup
- CertificateGroupResponse
- CertificateGroupUse
- CertificateGroupUseResponse
- CertificatePost
- CertificateResponse
- CertificateUse
- CertificateUseResponse
- ClientPerformance
- ClientPerformanceResponse
- Direction
- DirectoryService
- DirectoryServiceResponse
- DirectoryServiceRole
- DirectoryServiceRolesResponse
- DirectoryserviceManagement
- DirectoryserviceNfs
- DirectoryserviceSmb
- Dns
- DnsResponse
- ErrorResponse
- Eula
- EulaResponse
- EulaSignature
- FileSystem
- FileSystemGroupPerformance
- FileSystemGroupPerformanceResponse
- FileSystemPatch
- FileSystemPerformance
- FileSystemPerformanceResponse
- FileSystemReplicaLink
- FileSystemReplicaLinkResponse
- FileSystemResponse
- FileSystemSnapshot
- FileSystemSnapshotResponse
- FileSystemSnapshotTransferResponse
- FileSystemSnapshotsTransfer
- FileSystemUserPerformance
- FileSystemUserPerformanceResponse
- FilesystemgroupperformanceGroup
- FilesystemuserperformanceUser
- FixedReference
- FixedReferenceNoResourceType
- FixedReferenceWithId
- FixedReferenceWithRemote
- Hardware
- HardwareConnector
- HardwareConnectorResponse
- HardwareResponse
- Keytab
- KeytabDownloadUploadResponse
- KeytabPost
- KeytabResponse
- LifecycleRule
- LifecycleRulePatch
- LifecycleRulePost
- LifecycleRuleResponse
- LinkAggregationGroup
- LinkAggregationGroupPatch
- LinkAggregationGroupResponse
- LocationReference
- LogDownloadResponse
- LoginBannerResponse
- LoginResponse
- Member
- MemberLink
- MemberResponse
- MultiProtocolRule
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterfaceResponse
- NfsRule
- NfsRulePatch
- ObjectResponse
- ObjectStoreAccessKey
- ObjectStoreAccessKeyPost
- ObjectStoreAccessKeyResponse
- ObjectStoreAccessPolicy
- ObjectStoreAccessPolicyObjectStoreUser
- ObjectStoreAccessPolicyObjectStoreUserResponse
- ObjectStoreAccessPolicyResponse
- ObjectStoreAccount
- ObjectStoreAccountResponse
- ObjectStoreRemoteCredentials
- ObjectStoreRemoteCredentialsResponse
- ObjectStoreUser
- ObjectStoreUserObjectStoreAccessPolicy
- ObjectStoreUserObjectStoreAccessPolicyResponse
- ObjectStoreUserResponse
- ObjectStoreVirtualHost
- ObjectStoreVirtualHostResponse
- PaginationInfo
- PerformanceReplication
- PerformanceReplicationResponse
- Permission
- Policy
- PolicyMember
- PolicyMemberResponse
- PolicyMemberWithRemote
- PolicyMemberWithRemoteResponse
- PolicyObjects
- PolicyObjectsResponse
- PolicyPatch
- PolicyReference
- PolicyReferenceWithId
- PolicyResponse
- PolicyRule
- ProtocolRule
- PureArray
- PureError
- PureObject
- QuotasGroup
- QuotasGroupResponse
- QuotasSetting
- QuotasSettingResponse
- QuotasUser
- QuotasUserResponse
- QuotasgroupGroup
- QuotasuserUser
- Reference
- ReferenceName
- RelationshipPerformanceReplication
- RelationshipPerformanceReplicationResponse
- ReplicaLinkBuiltIn
- ReplicationPerformance
- Resource
- ResourceRule
- ResourceType
- Role
- RoleResponse
- SmbRule
- Smtp
- SmtpResponse
- SnapshotSuffix
- SnmpAgent
- SnmpAgentMib
- SnmpAgentMibResponse
- SnmpAgentResponse
- SnmpManager
- SnmpManagerPost
- SnmpManagerResponse
- SnmpManagerTest
- SnmpManagerTestResponse
- SnmpV2c
- SnmpV3
- Space
- Subnet
- SubnetResponse
- Support
- SupportRemoteAssistPaths
- SupportResponse
- SupportedTimeZone
- SupportedTimeZoneResponse
- SyslogServer
- SyslogServerPostOrPatch
- SyslogServerResponse
- SyslogServerSetting
- SyslogServerSettingPatch
- SyslogServerSettingResponse
- SyslogServerTest
- SyslogServerTestResponse
- Target
- TargetPost
- TargetResponse
- TestResult
- TestResultResponse
- VersionResponse
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api-token
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-auth-token
- Location: HTTP header