Repo for GoExperts frontend sources without a pipeline. You need to construct a new one.
- The resources for deployment the frontend should be first constructed by IaC tools like Terraform, CloudFormation, Ansible etc.
- DO NOT operate on the
branch directly. Checkout your own branch instead, e.g. feature/new_pipeline - Compose your pipeline file and put them into
- Build up a pipeline on cicd platforms like Jenkins, Travis CI, Github Actions and have a test.
与developers共同参与开展P3项目,对DevOps来说是一次不可多得的锻炼机会。在时间允许情况下,DevOps可以自由选择部署工具(Jenkins, Github Action)、平台(AWS, GCP, Azure)、架构(EC2, ECS, GKE, AKS)和内容(frontend, backend, lambda),也可以选择手动或者通过IaC工具(Terraform, CloudFormation)完成资源的搭建,还可以搭建自己的监控系统来对上述资源和服务进行监控。
Stage 1: Setup pipeline
(1) 选择一个cloud platform(AWS,GCP,Azure),手动建立前端、后端、lambda等cloud资源,如:
**前端:**bucket (S3/GCS..) + CloudFront + Route 53 + CloudWatch
**后端:**ECS+ALB+EC2(or Fargate) ASG+Route53+CloudWatch
Lambda: Api Gateway+ Lambda+ CloudWatch
(2) 编写pipeline(Jenkinsfile),能够实现手动运行代码拉取、build、docker镜像制作、以及服务的部署发布,并且测试前端和后端功能正常。建议顺序:frontend→backend→lambda
前端pipeline Stages:
后端pipeline Stages:
(3) pipeline实现代码merge能够自动触发执行(注意bitbucket和github中设置触发Jenkins的方式不同)
Stage 2: Buildup the resource through Terraform
在完成Stage 1基础上,通过Terraform实现Stage 1所有cloud资源(bucket, EC2,ECS等)的自动构建,把Stage 1的pipeline移植为把服务自动部署到Terraform搭建的资源中。
Stage 3(挑战): Setup monitoring
搭建Elastic Stack,实现对上述平台和服务的监控
- AWS平台必做,有余力Azure和GCP再选一个实现
- Lambda的部署至少实现一个函数,有余力可以把整个backend做成lambda
- 至少实现一个cluster结构的backend,ECS(AWS,EKS因AWS free tier不涵盖,会产生费用,土豪随意), GKE(GCP,利用新用户3个月US$300的credit), AKS(Azure,新用户1个月US$200的credit)。
- CloudWatch尽量加上,有问题方便developers定位
样例架构1: AWS ECS with Fargate
样例架构2 AWS+GCP
- 澳洲IT — 匠人学院,找工作,实习,工作内推,全栈班,DevOps学习