A true Out-Of-Proc (EXE) COM server implemented in C# Windows Application based on MEF Plugin Architecture. Develop COM objects in C# Libraries, which automatically get hosted in EXE COM Server, with minimal configuration.
Originally inspired from CSExeCOMServer published in https://code.msdn.microsoft.com . The idea is to provide a more advanced implementation, with the below features:
Replace Native Windows Message Loop, with .NET Windows Message Loop (Application.Run)
This will enable leveraging .NET Win Forms/UserControls inside COM Objects created within .NET
Decouple Out-Of-Process EXE Server and make it as a shared EXE COM Server
This will enable loading user created COM Visible Libraries dynamically
Help developers build COM Objects easily, targeting for EXE COM Server
Let developer build COM objects without worrying about reference counting, and registering for Out-Of-Proc use. Enable the COM Object for Out-Of-Proc use by simply applying a few attributes, base classes.
a. Run Visual Studio As Administrator
b. Make "ActiveX.NET.Server" as startup project
c. Ensure CommandLine Arguments value to "/regserver" in Debug Tab
d. Hit F5 To Run the selected project, and wait until it finishes execution
e. Open the excel (Enable Macros While Opening) and open its VBA Editor, and run the sample VBA Macro.
f. You should be viewing Hello World Message from VBA
a. Create your COM Visible Plug-In DLL(s)
Refer Sample: “ActiveX.NET.Plugin” project
For all COM Objects that should be used as Out Of Proc, ensure the below:
i. Apply “Guid” attribute
ii. Apply “ActiveXServer” attribute
iii. Inherit from “ActiveXServerBase”
Note: By default the COM Objects (Derived from ActiveXServerBase), will be run under STA (i.e ActiveXServer.NET's UI Thread). If you need parallelism, you shoud inherit your ComObject from ActiveXServerMTABase, to be part of MTA (which uses FreeThreadedMarshaller)
b. Copy the Plugin-In DLL(s), to the configured Plug-In Location
Location should be configured in the ActiveX.NET.Server config/appsetting: “ActiveXServerPlugins:Location”
c. Register Plugin-In DLL(s) for COM Use
This can be done by registering the ActiveX.NET.Server using the below command line. The server will automatically load all available Plug-In DLL’s available in Plug-In Location and register them for Out Of Proc Use
Sample: C:> ActiveX.NET.Server.exe /regserver
d. Now Use any COM Clients to instantiate the COM Object
Refer “OutOfProcTestUsingVBA.xlsm”
e. To Unregister Plug-In DLL(S)
Sample: C:> ActiveX.NET.Server.exe /unregserver
Try create a ComVisible Windows User Control, that could be used from ComClients like VB. You may refer one sample here
Note: For Windows Forms based UserControls, you should inherit your control/ComObject from ActiveXServerControlBase, instead of ActiveXServerBase