Ubuntu box provisioned using Chef and Berkshelf.
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Ubuntu OS
- RVM & Ruby
- Git
- Chef
- Berkshelf
- Node
- Redis
├── chef/ # chef content folder
| ├── cache/ # chef cache folder
| ├── cookbooks/ # chef cookbooks folder
| | ├── app/ # chef app cookbooks folder (for application specific)
| | ├── vendor/ # chef vendor cookbooks folder (for third party)
| | └── Berksfile # berksfile (cookbooks install dependencies)
| ├── scripts/ # chef provision scripts folder
| | ├── box-provision.sh # installs box tools such as: git, chef, berkshelf, etc.
| | └── chef-provision.sh # installs chef cookbooks
| ├── solo.json # chef solo data file
| └── solo.rb # chef solo configuration file
└── Vagrantfile # Vagrant configuration file
The setup can be applied on a Vagrant box or a Ubuntu machine. For more information check the Vagrantfile
vagrant up