- Fixed User able to see their own forms to fill required details related to user - #1365
- Fixed When profile pics uploaded have only image name and not the URL.
- Changed the listing text colour to black from grey - #1415
- Fixed Arrow is not displayed if the dashboard view list is created as listed and while clicking it is popping up
- Fixed Individual registration is not working
- Fixed Search Results UI revamp - #1372
- Fixed When user rejects reset sync, do not further continue - #1269
- Locations of different types at the same level not categorised by type are fixed
- Fix weight for height z score calculation are fixed
- Fixed Task assignment is not working.
- changes made Subject Dashboard UI revamp - #1371
- Fixed Report card colours to be updated
- Fixed App crash when due date not saved for encounter - #1430
- UI/UX changes are here - #1402
- Fixed Missing media images in S3
- Increased the no of characters of report card name on card results
- Landing screen UI revamp - #1370